Revisiting Bloom's Taxonomy with a Digital Lens

C. Erin Coker

Activity 3: Project - Investigating Bloom's Taxonomy


EDTC 601: Virtual Collaboration and Communication

Regis University

September 3, 2014

Click here to access my matrix


Revised Bloom's Taxonomy


Bloom's Digital Taxonomy


Bloomin' Apps


Blooms Digital Taxonomy - apps




For this assignment I have decided to reflect on how using the strategy of CSR or Collaborative Strategic Reading aligns with the Revised and Digital Bloom’s Taxonomy.  I would like to reflect on how I might think differently about incorporating the revised Bloom’s and Digital Bloom’s and how I can support my teachers with that idea when they are planning their CSR lessons.  

CSR is group of before, during and after reading strategies that have proven to be effective in increasing students reading comprehension and as a tool to teach content.  Denver Public Schools is just finishing up a five year grant where the district has worked in partnership with CU Boulder to determine what the student outcomes would be when CSR was rolled out on a larger district size scale.

First, I think its important to point out that CSR aims to hand over the cognitive demand to the students which in turn aligns well with the Bloom’s model of increased rigor.  In the past we have fallen into a model where the teacher is the person that imparts the information onto the students.  Since then we have moved away from a teacher centered classroom to more of a student centered class.  

Second I think that its imperative that teachers set a clear objective and a purpose for reading.  That purpose can be where the Bloom’s verbs are used to communicate the level of rigor to students.  For example, let’s say that in my class we have just learned about global warming and the possible impact that scientists anticipate.  I might then choose an article with an opposing view that does not recognise global warming for my students to read.  When I set the purpose for reading rather than asking my students to read and understand the article I would ask them to evaluate the article and tell me if they agree or disagree with the author’s point of view.  To incorporate technology and support the objective I might then ask them to blog or to comment on the article using Google docs.  A simple shift in what I am asking my students to do with the information they have learned increase the rigor of the lesson.      

Finally, when I am backwards planning my units and thinking about where CSR fits into the picture I would also want to think about extensions to my CSR lessons.  One piece that is not inherently a part of the CSR process is the time for the students to create.  For example, a possible extension for the lesson I mentioned above might be for students to create video or podcast explaining how global warming is affecting our planet to another audience.  

In conclusion, the big take away from revisiting Bloom’s taxonomy and also thinking about the Digital Bloom’s is the idea of the students owning the cognitive demand.  It is my belief that as a teacher I am only facilitator of learning and through this process I can build the capacity of my students to be independent thinkers and lifelong learners.





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