A movie from SimpleTruths: http://www.theleadershipmovie.com/

Reflections on enthusiasm and leadership from Mike George. (You can subscribe to his Clear Thinking mailouts on www.relax7.com)

Many of us awaken each day in a different mood. Others find their mood swinging unpredictably and uncontrollably throughout the day. And some seem to become unchangingly stuck in a rut characterised by continuously dull feelings. Our moods obviously influence our level of enthusiasm towards tasks and people in particular, and towards our life in general. Yet we all know or have at least met someone who is almost constantly enthusiastic and wondered how on earth they maintain their consistently up-beat attitude to everything in their life. Sometimes we are inspired by their enthusiasm. And at other times, because it can be such a direct contrast to our own energy level, we find ourselves irritated and almost tired of being around such a bubbling energy. And yet, deep down there’s often a little voice that says, “I wish I could be like that, be as enthusiastic as them about … everything”.
So what is enthusiasm exactly and how can we get our hands on some more? It’s certainly a very intangible energy that cannot be captured or stored. There are no gas stations where we can fill our tank. And while it’s a very attractive energy that obviously comes from within, an energy that can ‘spark’ an increase in the enthusiasm of others, it is ultimately not transferable even between people, otherwise we would not vote for politicians but for enthusiasticians!
Have you noticed how the sun rises every day and radiates across the world with a light and warmth that not only ‘energises’ the world, but also heals, rebalances and harmonises every material thing in the world. Our own bodies would not be able to live without the light of the sun. The sun is also the source of power that keeps the pace of entropy (the movement of all energy in a closed system from order to chaos) at a speed that is almost imperceptible. At least it did until a hundred or so years ago when we started to release the trapped energy within the eco and bio systems of the planet faster than the sun could replenish and re-order it.

Human beings also create systems known as teams, communities and organisations. They are also matrixes of human energy, which also have the habit of undergoing entropy as they move from order to chaos, unless a source of energy comes from outside the system to reorganise, refocus and empower. In such human systems that ‘person’ would be known as ‘the leader’. That’s their job. But sometimes the person designated as the leader, often known as the manager, is not a very good leader. For what is the role of the leader of any group but to be as the sun is to the world. They are the sunshine for their team/community/organisation. And what is sunshine in human terms but ‘enthusiasm’. That is why you will sometimes see within teams and organisations that the manager is not the leader. Someone else is the leader because people gravitate towards them and not the manager. The sunshine of their enthusiasm is brighter and therefore more attractive.
So what makes that so? What are the specific characteristics of enthusiasm that make a person ‘attractive’ to others? They are always positive and proactive, they are always energetically available to help, they don’t see the dark side, the downside of things for more than a moment, they want to share, give, encourage others, they don’t seek the limelight for they don’t need to take anything from anyone to bolster their self esteem, they have unbreakable respect for others, they are genuinely happy in themselves and while they acknowledge others unhappiness they can easily ‘infect’ others with a positive, upbeat, optimistic way of thinking and responding. They are always bubbling with ideas, and more often than not, you will see a sparkle in their eyes. It’s an easy list to make but perhaps not such an easy list to live. Why? What gets in the way?
The origins of the word enthusiasm lie in the Greek word enthusiasmos, which in turn has its roots in ‘en-theos’, which means ‘divine energy’, sometimes translated as Gods energy. It points towards an energy that is pure, untainted, unhindered and unlimited. The closest we might get to pure enthusiasm is the pure consciousness of the child (assuming they are not born with a grumpy personality or too quickly conditioned/influenced by the grumpy personalities of those around them!). The enthusiasm of the child comes from a pure inner space we sometimes refer to as innocence. There is a charming sense of wonderment and gleefulness, and everything in their orbit is on the receiving end of their radiant happiness. It’s as if their energy is still pure, unhindered, untainted and unlimited. So another way of describing that divine energy, that enthusiasmos, is ‘pure consciousness’, a consciousness that has not yet absorbed and attempted to retain anything of the world.
Enthusiasm is a little like a bubbling mountain spring that constantly pours itself into the world and as it does it nourishes and enlivens all that it touches. So what taints, what blocks pure consciousness, which we all have and sometimes still taste. What gets in the way of the bubbling energy of our ‘self’ from surfacing and pouring our self into life and living? What kills ‘en-thoes’ before it reaches the light of day and enlightens the days of others?
Once again a list is easy and useful. Attachment to anything or anyone is the biggest block simply because the object of attachment blocks our heart, the very source of our ‘entheos’, and as it does it sucks up all the energy of our consciousness, our self. Any dependency will result in the distortion of our consciousness into anger and fear, the main source of our moods, when we do not get what we want which we have brilliantly convinced our self is what we need. And our oldest friend the ego will eclipse our capacity to give encouragement to those who have temporarily lost courage, be optimistic in the face of ‘unfortunate’ events, share the kind of happiness that can spark others out of their depression, and extend love to those who are temporarily paralysed by their own fear, simply because the egos sole concern is for itself! And then there is the desire to acquire which is guaranteed to ‘dampen our spirit’ simply because with desire comes anxiety in the form of fear of failure, loss or denial. And fear is probably enthusiasms greatest enemy.
And so just four of the ‘aberrations of consciousness’ that get in the way of our ability to shine the light of our enthusiasm into our life and into the world. There is therefore work to be done to clear the channel to our hearts, to the source of our pure consciousness. The restoration of own ‘divine energy’ requires our attention. Only one question remains. Will we attend reluctantly or enthusiastically?
Question: What do you thing is your main hindrance or blockage of your enthusiasm?
Reflection: Why is it impossible for others to dampen your spirits?
Action: Aim to deliberately respond enthusiastically to everyone you meet during two days this week – then assess the effect at the end of each day on your self and on them.

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