Are smartboards really expensive to have in the classroom? Because I don't see any other reason for why they should not be mandated in classrooms.  After working with some at my school and schools I observe at, I see all the wonders it brings for learners. I feel like it could definitely change the world of education and help students learn in a whole new, fun way.

Views: 71

Comment by Grace Gorman on December 5, 2011 at 4:33pm

They are expensive to put in classrooms.  But there is a video on youtube showing you how to turn any surface into a smartboard using wii wands for less than $50.  I'll bet by now some people have used wii wands that noone is using any longer and probably if a kid wached the video, he or she could make one faster than their teacher.

Comment by yoram orad on December 9, 2011 at 2:39am

Smartboards have they own values, that's true. Yet I think that the price is too high, and in light of what Grace Gorman said it appears that there are much much cheaper solutions to substitiute smartboards. But, the main reason I think we should not mandate them in classrooms is that they don't support a real cooperative learning. Cooperative learning is supported better by tablets of all kinds and tablets are much cheaper than smartboards.


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