Academia – share your papers, track their impact, follow colleagues
Amazon Author Central - create a profile page, add your authored books, link to social media, upload videos
AutoCollage – a free Microsoft tool for use in teaching, uses face and object recognition to swiftly create a collage of several images.
Bitly - Save, search, and organize all your links from around the web. Group them into bundles. Share them with friends.
Buffer – a way to manage your social media postings, it auto schedules posts, you just keep it topped up.
Bundlr – a bit like Pinterest, aggregates content from other sources.
CiteULike - a social bibliographic database for all your readings
CoverItLive – engage remote audiences during events (meant for Journalistic purposes)
CreateSpace - An Amazon company helping you to self-publish books
Crowdbooster – social media analytics tool to figure out what the hell is going on!
Delicious - the recently revived social bookmarking site
Devonthink – a useful way to store and manage your work and related media, which finds connections between content where you perhaps wouldn’t find them.
Digg – a user rated news delivery service, sharing what’s buzzing online.
Diigo - a research and collaborative research tool and a knowledge-sharing community and social content site - a service which allows users to link their various social networking tools in order to reach a larger and disparate audience.
Doodle – Useful way of scheduling meetings or making group decisions.
Dropbox – for making sure the essentials are backed up
EndnoteWeb – the online bibliographic package for storing your reading lists
Eventbrite – a ticket management system for events
Eventifier – create archives of events
EverNote – If you like taking notes at conferences and want to share them or just have them accessible across devices, this works.
Facebook – for social networking with colleagues
Flickr - for curating image sets, finding resources, and amazing royalty free images
Google+ - the community spaces from Google
Google Drive – for collaborative writing
Hootsuite – a very nice app to bring together all of your social media accounts
HubZero – open source software platform for creating dynamic web sites that support scientific research and educational activities
Instagram - bring together all your friends and photos and explore - who needs a bar chart, when you can present stats in a creative, social format?
Instapaper – Keep track of articles, websites, and anything you don’t have time to read immediately but want to save for later.
Issuu – to upload your pre-prints in a beautiful format for online viewing
Jabber – don’t unintelligibly ramble on. It’s a turn off and will make people want to leave your community. Keep it short and to the point.
Jiscmail – old school social media using email lists!
Kickstarter - who needs the research councils? Get your project started with this fund raising tool.
Klout – for a more intricate understanding of your Twitter activity and influence
Kred - a visual history of your Social Media Influence
Lanyrd - Allows you to add events, discover new and exciting conferences and track your friends to see what events they are attending
LinkedIn – if you don’t have a website, then your LinkedIn profile can substitute.
Lino – a post-it or virtual pinboard with bells on
Livestream – create and watch live broadcasts
Moodle – open source course management system
Morfo – create an avatar from your photo and make it say/do anything (like read a cyborg article from the future you’ve written? No? Just me then!)
MyOpenArchive - international Non-Profit Organization that advocates Open Access for never-before-published research papers on the web and provides Self-Archiving
MySpace - Relaunch of the social and music discovery site.
Newsy- All things newsworthy, mostly video content. The URL shortener associated with Hootsuite – create digital daily newspapers around specific keywords
Pheed - Social media platform offering distinct features like voice-notes, audio clips and live-broadcasting.
Pinpuff - measure of your popularity on Pinterest and value of your each pin.
Peer Index - Social impact metric score
Pinreach - social / impact scores for Pinterest
Pinterest - social website pinboard to keep track of things and share them
PlumAnalytics – measuring research impact.
Pocket - Discover an interesting article, video or web page save it your pocket feed and view it later.
PollDaddy – create free polls on your websites
Popplet – a collaborative mapping tool
Popcornmakr- The video and mixed media platform powered by Mozilla
Projeqt – a nice aggregating slideshow platform, drop in video, live tweets, pdf, text, and more.
Prismatic – create newsfeeds based on your interests
Quiet – don’t go quiet. When a brand goes away so does all of the word-of-mouth (well, at least the good kind…). Your once dedicated fans will not be happy campers. If you have gone silent then start posting again as soon as possible, no excuses, just do it!
Quora – ask a question, follow a question, find an answer. One tool to initiate research development.
RateMyPI – as it sounds, you can rate PIs to help figure out who’s great (or not) to work with. Just getting started in 2013
Reddit - a great place to share articles / blog post and a huge traffic driver!
ResearchGate – a social networking site for academics
Screenr – ever needed to screencast a presentation? this works without any download and goes live immediately. Give lectures from a distance and publish.
Scribd – share your documents in a large social community.
SiteSucker - Lets you download whole websites for later analysis/processing/etc.
Skype – for video conferencing on the fly
SlashDot – self-described news for nerds platform, science and tech related.
SlideRocket – design your presentations online
Slideshare – as it says, upload your documents/slides
SocialBro – analytic tool and social media management platform
Soundcloud – for any one wanting to share of find audio material, this is a neat solution.
SpeakIt – a text to speech iPhone/iPad app with very good quality translation
Spotify – well known for listening to music, but you can also upload. useful for music scholars, research, curate, share, publish
Storify – create a single story of an event, bringing together select social media activity
Storyful - helps newsrooms discover and verify the best content on the social web, good for media studies
StumbledUpon – let the web come to you with this discovery engine
Survey Monkey – as it sounds, create surveys and share them.
Topsy – social media insights tool
Tout – Capture 15 second video updates and publish them in real-time to your social networks
Tumblr – a blogging platform (picture oriented)
Tweetbot - Twitter client for MacOS and iOS devices, lets you have multiple twitter feeds (e.g. different hashtags) open at the same time, useful for conferences
TweetDeck – the Twitter owned space to monitor and tweet
TwentyFeet - track your social media stats. Also Twitcleaner and Tweepi
Twitter – the micro-blogging platform to end all others
Twitterfall – visualize tweets during a conference to create another layer of activity
Ustream – if you don’t have technical assistance to film your event, Ustream does it for you with a few clicks, but has awful full screen commercials that will just interrupt your broadcast.– a place to create and share infographs... also keyword search easel.y for a similar platform
Vimeo - if the short upload limit on YouTube doesn’t suit your needs, then upload to here.
Vine – The new 6 second video app from Twitter
Wallwisher - ace tool for mind mapping, brainstorming, lists, + more. Creates a blank page for you to populate with content
We Follow - this platform has its problems – eg. the long-since deceased Pierre Bourdieu is still present – but it can be a good way to find out people in your field who are on social media. Search by subject. It ranks based on your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin data
Wikipedia – follow and edit terms in your area to promote your association to a body of literature
Wordle – create word clouds from data to understand influence and importance within textt
WordPress – still the best platform to start publishing in a website
TEDx – ‘Ideas worth spreading’ start off local, visit these events for great insights into the next thought leaders. Many are run by academics.
Yammer – a private social network for use within an organization. Many universities now using this to collaborate securely across departments, geographies, content and business applications.
YouTube – still the most popular video upload destination
Zotero – another bibliographic tool that also helps you share resources
Zementa- Content recommendations best suited for blog posts; a reference tool
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© 2025 Created by Steve Hargadon.
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