Social Networking and Digital Citizenship

Doing this weeks activity I learned a couple of new things.  First, the importance of having a digital citizenship policy for my classroom, second, how I can utilize social networks in the classroom.  Creating the digital citizenship policy was important because I had to thoughtfully think of what was most important for students.  There were many points that could be made for each element, but picking the most effective and kid-friendly took some thought.  The work around social networks helped me to see what was available to use for my students, and what I could personally explore with my own students.  The next step for me would be to actually set up a social network environment with a group of student’s next school year.  I want to create either a class blog/wiki or an Edmodo class page.  This week has helped me to see what other systems I need in place before starting a class social network and that I need to do check-ups during as well.

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