Still Looking for Middle School or High School Students to Collaborate With

Hello All,

Looking for middle or high school classes to share in discussions on the internet, web 2.0 and some concepts from "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman.

Our wiki is :
my email: or

We are located out of New Hampshire and I would love for my students to experience true global collaboration. I am hoping to start discussions on Sept. 4th. Would love to hear from you.

Views: 58

Comment by Peter Lane on August 29, 2010 at 10:39am
I am interested in exploring how this would work. I have 6-8th graders, 3 classes a day, for the next 11 weeks - we're in California...
Comment by shegstrom on August 29, 2010 at 5:22pm
I run 6 and 7th graders. In order to track their comments. I have created accounts for each of my students. This entails, first name, last name and then it generates passwords for you. I could also give you a log in or your school a login and you could have your students sign their comments.

ex. S. Hegstrom- Period 1

My classes change every 9 weeks. I was hoping to have three-four great discussions a week. I will be using the discussions as a "start point" or "daily bellringer" to be completed upon entering class. Send me your email. I would be happy to add you. I hope I answered your questions.


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