Teaching Technique-WHAT DID YOU LEARN TODAY?

Teaching Technique-What did you learn in school today?

There was a time Parents would ask their student offspring, “What did you learn in school today”.
Do you know what the reply was then? Do you know what the reply would be today?
You got it; the reply would be “Nothing”

TEACHERS, that’s our fault.
We are involved in the lecture method of teaching. It’s the least effective technique. That’s just one problem. But we won’t focus on problems.
Here is the solution.
This is the Action Step.

Near the end of your prepared lesson plan activities, tell them this, Students when you go home tell your parents that this is what you learned today. Teach them in 1 to 3 sentences, a statement(s) to repeat to their parents.
If possible make it a mnemonic device such as,
My very educated mother just served us nine pizzas (a device that will help one remember the first letter of the planets of the solar system in order) then the student should say.
The Pizzas were not good meaning Pluto has now been determined not to be a planet.

Or a conjunction connects things. Sample conjunctions are AND, OR, BUT.
For example, this AND that, this OR that, not this BUT that
are conjunctions in use.

If you don’t specifically give them the
“this is what you learned today "
at the end of the day, the answer WILL BE I learned NOTHING!

Action step:

At the beginning of the week offer a prize to EACH of the students that can remember all five of the “things I learned today” from the previous week.

Action Step:
Offer a giant prize for the student who can remember the most at the end of the month.

I guarantee that if you add one teaspoon of enthusiasm to this recipe you will be pleasantly surprised

Views: 70

Comment by Carol Arcomano on December 30, 2009 at 7:14pm
I think the question "what did you learn today" can only be answered if there are/is parent(s) at home to ask the question. Where I teach, too many kids don't have the (dinner) "time" to share conversation with their parents. It's sad. That's why the time spent with students and the relationships we build are so valuable.
Comment by William Lambert on December 31, 2009 at 3:54am
I understand. I too taught in that type of environment. I wish I could do something to help in your efforts.
You are probably a GREAT teacher.


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