TEFList - a new way to find an English teaching job

Well, it is finally here! TEFList, the video ELT job site. A lot of work went into it and it really does some amazing things. Ning is charging us through the nose and I hope any revenue provided by TEFList will help our community survive.

1) All the jobs in ELT in one spot (no being a chicken with your head cut off)

2) Permanent resume/employer pages you can personalize and share but shut off when finished job searching

3) Video resume upload or embed. Show off your talents.

4) Lots of other things: internal email with employers, job info. directory, resources, AMAZING search capability etc...

I hope that it will help us raise money to support EFL Classroom 2.0 and please be so kind as to spread the news about it. A great way to help keep us going here - that's part of my strategy - let the schools pay!

I'll be formally open it in our Sept. newsletter and then emailing my database of 25,000 employers, the first week of Sept. then it should get busy.

For now, please browse, take a look and report back what you think. Look forward to the honest opinion of our members and the first month my developers and I will be working out the wrinkles.



Here's the first of many screencasts on basic use of TEFList.

Views: 121

Tags: efl, elt, english, esl, jobs, language, teaching, teflist, tesol, website


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