Basically, I have little idea what to do in the classroom. The more guidance I am provided, the less clearly I understand what I ought to do. And I have a feeling I am not alone.
Am I supposed to teach my kids how to properly punctuate an appositive phrase? Yep. And how do I know that? Because it says so right there in the English Language Arts standards.
So, am I supposed to teach a kid that they should live their life with a sense of passion and purpose? I'd say yes, but how do I know that being that this is not listed anywhere in the English Language Arts standards?
Maybe I shouldn't mention it to them.
I am supposed to teach imagery in literature? Uh-huh. Why? Because it says so right there in the English Language Arts standards.
But am I supposed to teach a kid to persevere when times get tough? I'd say yes, but again... it's not anywhere in the standards.
The standards ask me to teach symbolism, capitalization and the organization of ideas in an essay. Does that mean I ought not to teach loyalty, fairness, and compassion?
See this is where I get lost. If I
only teach what the standards tell me to teach, then that means I am going to have taught my kids how to properly punctuate an appositive phrase, identify imagery and symbolism in literature, apply proper capitalization to appropriate words in a sentence and how to organize ideas for an essay.
However, if I only teach what the standards tell me to teach, that means I will not have taught my kids to live their life with a sense of passion and purpose, to persevere when times get tough, and to be loyal, fair, and compassionate.
Now I am not sure about the parents of your students, but I have a feeling that if I could offer my parents a choice whereby I could teach their kids to live their life with a sense of passion and purpose, to persevere when times get tough, and to be loyal, fair, and compassionate or teach their kids how to properly punctuate an appositive phrase, identify imagery and symbolism in literature, apply proper capitalization to appropriate words in a sentence and how to organize ideas for an essay, they are going to OVERWHELMINGLY choose the former. (I know I would.)
So if I blindly follow the standards, I am a dummkopt. And if I toss out the standards and teach things I feel are tremendously important to know -- yet are nowhere in the listed content standards of the state -- I am a rebel deserving scorn who is operating outside the confines of the curriculum.
And so, despite all this guidance, I really have no idea what to do... other than follow my own best professional instincts and play the hand I am dealt as best as I can as each individual situation arises.
Hey... isn't that why they hired me in the first place?
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