So I am going to try something new and pose a question. Here we go:
Which students deserve our school’s best teachers?
Next I am going to answer the question. (One sec.., it’s coming.) And then I am going to explore this question over the course of the next 3 blog posts (it’s too long to dive into in just one post) as I have divided an argument for my answer into 3 parts.
And then, based on the comments, feedback, answers I get, I am going to see if I still arrive at the same answer I now currently believe after exploring the issue in the ning community and exploring a variety of it’s nooks and crannies.
And so, once again, back to the question:
Which students deserve our school’s best teachers?
My answer is ALL our students deserve our best teachers. However, it’s not possible to provide every kid with the school’s best teacher. Not everyone can be best. Thus I will divide teachers into 3 broad categories.
--Best teachers
--Average teachers.
--L’s (the L can stand for “Low” or “Lemons” – fill in your own mental blank).
Furthermore, I am going to divide students into 3 broad categories:
--Middle Level/Average
(Note: please don’t hammer me on my political incorrectness – or political correctness – in this "naming of levels" for if I dwell on choosing names that won’t offend anybody across the nation I’ll never get to the more meaty issues in this discussion.)
And now, let me repeat the question again: Which students deserve our school’s best teachers?
And let me repeat my answer again. ALL of them do. But since this is simply not possible to achieve, let’s pretend I am a principal and I need to set up my school. Which teachers do I place with which students?
Here’s what is coming:
Part II: Why the “best” teachers are needed to be teaching the “best” students.
Part III: Why the “best” teachers are needed to be teaching the “middle level” students.
Part IV: Why the “best” teachers are needed to be teaching the “challenged” students.
Part V: A review of the discussion and a exploration of what I think I’d be forced to do if I were a principal trying to figure out which teachers to assigned to which classes.
Should be interesting – and exciting, controversial, spicy and thoughtful. I’m fired up.
All thoughts are welcomed.
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