The enduring allure of talking about yourself


Using Classroom 2.0's profile I'm reminded of why Facebook and Google+ hold such attraction for people. It's essentially an advertising board for yourself and everything you're interested in. It allows you to collect all the things that catch your interest throughout the day when no one else is there to see it with you then make sure your friends and acquaintances have a chance to be in on it too. Given that kids and teenagers especially love talk about themselves, schools are missing out on a lot of opportunities when they just do a blanket block on social networking throughout the school.

As someone who stays out of social networking sites likes Facebook (more out of a belief that I am not interesting enough than from any notion that I'm too cool for it) I have to admit that it is nice to have a space online to collect my thoughts related to education and the ability to easily decorate those thoughts visually with a video or picture I found. Unlike a blog which feels more purposeful, social networking sites seem more suited for sharing the unscripted, unsorted bits of information one encounters through a day of pursuing their interests on the internet.

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