The Funnel Groove: New Ways to Learn with FunnelBrain

Raise scores by collaborating with other students from around the world!

Create, Learn and Share Flashcards
Create and personalize your review questions: include videos, photos, voice
recordings, and even math equations. Share your questions and collaborate
with your classmates and other students around the world by working on a
common set of flashcards together.

Flashcards Don't Have Two Sides Anymore
On FunnelBrain, you can add a third side to any flashcard. (Try that
in the real world! You'll probably end up with a papercut.) Use videos,
images, and text to explain a difficult concept, or to share a favorite
mnemonic device.

Create and Collaborate in Study Groups
Create study groups and invite your classmates and friends from FaceBook,
MySpace, and Gmail! Add photos (hopefully educational ones) and have
real-time discussions in the message forum. Groups are designed to help you
work together with other students in your class--or on another continent.

Enhance Your Profile and Add Your Friends
Add a profile photo and include your name so your classmates can find you.
Update your information with your classes, your school and all the groups
you've joined. Then, use the Add Friend feature to build your study
community. Your profile is automatically updated with study materials you
save, create and review on FunnelBrain.

The FUNNEL - FunnelBrain Can Help Pace Your Studying
Funnelbrain's unique FUNNEL application always presents you with the
right question at the right time. It uses a spaced repetition algorithm to
keep track of what you've already learned and what you still need to be
learning. Simply enable the learning mode when viewing any flashcard and the
FUNNEL will track your progress from there!

Coming Soon...

Private groups! Because you don't always want to share...

Record videos directly from your browser...

Include your blog on

Delete, rearrange and insert new flashcards..

More features for personalizing your flashcards using our rich text editor...

Design enhancements and usability improvement...

Click here view the newsletter online.

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