Top E-Learning Tools of 2009 You Shouldn’t Teach Without

Nowadays, many predictions come forth from every industry. 9 E-Commerce Predictions for 2009, 10 tech predictions for 2009, eLearning predictions for 2009 and so on. Though we know none of us can see into the future, we cannot deny that these predictions play significant roles in guidance for our future work. Below I list some eLearning tools I gather up for 2009, hope these could give you some help in your future teaching and learning. I will classify these tools into 6 different types. Most of them are Free.

Presentation Tools

Zoho Show is an FREE online presentation program allows users to create presentations from scratch or (as is often the case) import from their library of Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt, .pps) or OpenOffice (.odp, .sxi) presentations.

280 Slides is a notable Free online replacement for desktop presentation apps.With it, you can create a presentation, theme it, add graphics and video, and then present it, share it via Slideshare, or download it as a PowerPoint or PDF file.

PowerPoint is a versatile presentation tool. It is ideal for creating professional presentations that integrate text, charts, diagrams and clip art images.

Wondershare PPT2Flash lets non-technical users create high-impact Flash presentations and eLearning courses from PowerPoint with rich media, quizzes and simulations. PPT2Flash content runs on any Web server, any LMS. For organizations with Learning Management Systems, PPT2Flash creates SCORM and AICC-compliant content so learner results can be tracked.

Simulation Tools

ScreenToaster is a Free online screen recorder paired with a video platform dedicated to screencasts. Just the perfect tool to search and find tutorials, howtos, reviews, tips and tricks, showcases, walkthrough and e-learning formations.

CamStudio is able to record all screen and audio activity on your computer and create industry-standard AVI video files and using its built-in SWF Producer can turn those AVIs into lean, mean, bandwidth-friendly Streaming Flash videos (SWFs).

DemoCreator is a professional screen recording tool to create better-than-live software video tutorials, presentations and training courses.

Adobe Captive is an electronic learning tool for Microsoft Windows which can be used to author software demonstrations, software simulations, branched scenarios, and randomized quizzes in .swf format.

Assessment Tool
Hot Potatoes provides a suite of tools that enable you to create interactive web-based activities for self-assessment purposes. It is free of charge for publicly funded, non-profit, educational users.

Qedoc Quiz Maker is a FREE teaching tool for making interactive lessons & quizzes and test preparation.

Online QuizCreator is a powerful assessment tool that you can create Flash online exam, quiz, test and survey. It combines interactivity and multimedia to engage learners through the learning process and offers flexible results tracking and score reporting.

Articulate QuizMaker is a commercial tool that generates web-based quizzes and surveys.

Virtual Classroom
WiZiQ offers free online e-teaching and e-learning using web conferencing with document and whiteboard sharing, teacher resumes and presentation sharing.

Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro is the complete Web communications solution that enables live online meetings, virtual classes, and group collaboration.

Course Management System
Moodle is a simple and quick way to get a blog up and running. You can use it for your own professional diary, to run a blog for your course or for your students to keep their own learning journals.

Blogging Tools

Blogger is a simple and quick way to get a blog up and running. You can use it for your own professional diary, to run a blog for your course or for your students to keep their own learning journals.

Edublogs is "the largest education community on the Internet" where you can sign up for a free WordPress-powered blog.

Views: 180

Comment by William Peterson on January 10, 2009 at 2:00am
Thanks for sharing. I have downloaded PPT2Flash to make my presentation. It looks great.
Comment by garyb on January 10, 2009 at 11:26pm
gliffy-mind map/concept map collaboration
google docs-full suite of 'office-like' apps online and offline
iwork online looks better though...
jing records your screen for screencasting
chatzy -for backchannel conversation DURING your lessons (and lectures!) Be brave!!
backnoise - even better for backchannel in class ( or staff meetings!)
zamzar converts one format to others( for winOS users macOS just use free download perian)
vodpod for pulling in various videos to the blog or wiki without the need to 'go there' including YouTube
ToonDoo for cartoon creation - brilliant!!
tiddliwiki for portable wiki( more for senior students notetaking) on a memory stick

to look up what's new and what's available
lists every web2 app as it is released with comments and links


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