As one of the trailblazers for using new technology at the college - (we prefer this phrase than guinea pig) ;) I started using Facebook to work with my students.
I wanted to get the students to upload the graphics they were designing to a facebook group to then allow the other students to see what wonderful creativity there was. This also allowed links to be shared, discussions to be used and also to invite ex-students now working in the industry in to the group and get them to feedback on current trends and give feedback where necessary.
We have learnt lessons along the way.
You cannot change the name of a facebook group once it's been created, so give a generic name that will stay with the group for the years that they will be with you.
At our college we must now have 2 facebook accounts, one personal and one professional (students only allowed to add the professional), to maintain a professional distance.
Benefits are the ability to message students with updates and important information, they are more likely to read these messages than emails. Excellent opportunity to explain the privacy of data and how careful they need to be about the information that they display, and making them aware of the use by businesses during recruitment to checkout potential employees, do you want them to see inappropriate photos, or status comments etc.
Drawbacks, not all students want to use Facebook, so this cannot be forced upon them, you do find that they start selling you as a pet, but we laugh it off and tease that you hope that they are looking after you properly.
I have now used Facebook for 2 years.
Our college is very proud to be one of the first Technology Exemplar Network Colleges in the UK and I have included a link below to videos that share this best practice.
Yes, there is a video of me talking about web 2.0 technologies, its the use of Facebook with computing students, have a laugh.
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