• Do virtual worlds give students a better learning experience than real world experiences?


I really never gave to much thought about using virtual reality in the classroom. In actuality I am just starting to deal with the other sources of technology and teaching that is being used in the classroom today.  I have four children and the different styles of teaching from when I was a child has made it difficult for me to help them with homework and how they have learned certain skills, such as multiplication.  With this being said I am still predominately against virtual reality in the primary and secondary schools, but I do think that it can be beneficial when children are in high school and really starting to put thought into their career.  In my current role as a trainer I really have a hard time visualizing how I can use this or would use this for my trainings, since I teach communication and best practices manage caseloads.  I do know that experiential learning is how adults really engage and advance their knowledge so I know it can be used in some capacity.   

Since, I facilitate trainings on best practices of case management for families or individuals to become stable and this is done in most circumstances by gaining employment.  In some circumstances individuals may need some exploration into a career or into changing careers.  Virtual reality may be good in this capacity so they can see what their potential career field could be like.  This can help with making a huge life decision if they are contemplating going back to school and begin a journey they are not ready for.  I can see this being very beneficial with career coaching, college selection, or eye openers for individuals who may not see their impact on others or society by choices they make.  (drunk driving)

 The reason why I am still opposed for children using this is because I really feel that now that children do not use a lot of their critical thinking skills and rely on their ability to use the internet and having all the information they need at their fingertips.  Understanding how the brain functions today and how it will adapt with a world filled of information at their fingertips.   Communication will start to look different and really feel that children will not understand how to interact in specific situations when they are confronted with a particular uncomfortable situation.  I think these skills need to be developed before introducing virtual reality.  

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