War People Farming Kill Alpha Ranch Passive

Soldiers, politicians and the Holy Church all declare war to be an abomination and yet two global wars were fought in the last century and many conflicts since, some deliberately escalated. At first glance, it would appear that war is fought for two reasons defense or conquest. If this holds true than every military engagement can be quantified as either defensive or offensive. The problem with attempting to explain every military operation as either defensive or offensive comes with three major issues. The repetitive military mistakes and blunders, successive attempts at defending an un-supply-able position and the full implementation of a physical, psychological and media (PPM) driven campaign of escalation designed to enrage resistance and empower an insurgence.

The third factor of war will be termed escalation and this can be explained as neither defensive nor offensive. At least, not under the current understanding of strategic warfare, so a new mold must be cast and forged to illustrate why escalation is politically executed. A defensive or offensive struggle fits into a rational model of either cultural growth or survival, but escalation of war is not human, or humanely logical. It would be easy to say escalation requires more military arms, supplies and weapons, which it most certainly will, but this is not the only benefit escalation could provide a country with a closed or locked political system.

Here an investigation must be made to uncover if escalation of warfare, repetitive military mistakes, successive attempts at defending an un-supply-able position and the full implementation of a physical, psychological and media (PPM) driven campaign has a motive that can be delineated. All historical cases of escalation appear to place more troops into a definable Kill Zone. Hence, is there a political motive to kill off a countries natural born and military trained warrior population?

War strategy is implemented for three purposes offense, defense and escalation. Executing war policy for the solely purpose of escalation can only be explained to increase arms sales and, or kill off soldiers. Every population produces some natural born warriors; people that are born hunters and others which are passive gatherers. If the political machine does not address the hunters or warriors, they will eventually demand to be included into the political system. This is a major problem for the ruling elite, which is currently implementing a two part good cop, bad cop political pyramid scheme.

The two party system in the United States and throughout most proclaimed democracies feeds off each other in a partnership design to sell the public a government but to completely control the system and economically repress the population. The thing about good cop, bad cop politics is you end up with no cop at all, no justice and no representation. However this is the true design and function of the current two party political system. The group that would challenge this system are the hunters, natural born warriors or fighters, so placing them into a military Kill Zone might be a political method to maintain control over the society. Therefore kill alpha and farm passive.

Here and now we will cover repeated, intentional military blunders, which will include the recurring implementation of the classic "Göring air bridge". In addition there exists a need to explain the physical, psychological and media (PPM) driven campaigns, which escalate war. The Iraq Abu Ghraib prison pictures are a good example to a PPM campaign and the results of such an event need to be scrutinized. Note to the world, nothing gets out of a military prison unless it is released by the Red Cross/Crescent or as an organized planned media campaign. And, the pictures from Abu Ghraib prison can only be explained through a policy of escalation.

The Creation of the World of Sheeple
Escalation of military war is a strategic political solution to address the problem of farming its population. What essentially is taking place is the weeding out of the bad eggs, the strong alpha population, so the spineless, weak-willed lower class can be economically depressed. This is not a final solution but a continual solution to a problem that needs to be addressed for each successive generation. The system is empowered by the controlling elite and the corruptible, justified by the media and heroized by bloodless John Wayne type movies.

Every society produces four classes of people a wealthy ruling elite class, determined to maintain control. Next, a small educated group that empowers the ruling elite and provides substandard education and a phony media, twisted with Homeric and Sacrificial messages. The last two classes of people come from the main population and include the sheeple slave working class and warriors. War is designed, negotiated and implemented with the sole purpose of purging the warrior class, the ones who would, and will challenge the ruling elite for part ownership in the government. The following justification will be based on physical evidence. Wars and conflicts will be researched to confirm that the world's political systems maintain control through Genocide, intentionally farming a distinct population class.

Example 1 WWI
World War I occurred between 1914 and 1918 and was sold as the War to End All Wars. The event involved a global military conflict that entangled the majority of the world's largest political powers. The war assembled into two opposing alliances the Allied Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance. More than 70 million military personnel were mobilized in the largest wars in recorded history. The main opponents descended into a state of total war, thrusting their entire scientific and industrial capabilities into the war effort. More than 15 million people were killed, making it one of the deadliest conflicts in history.

At the end of WWI just one hour from the ceasefire the USA and British military sent waves of troops on frontal assaults of fortified German machine gun posts entrenched in the high ground or separated by cold rivers. The official number of dead of the final day cannot be trusted but are listed as 3,000 Americans and 2,000 British Common Wealth soldiers. These warriors died in the last hours of WWI even though every commander knew the war would be over that day. In fact one account has German soldiers that were manning the machine guns, pleading with the attacking Allied Powers soldiers to stop, for the war is about to end.

"The Last Day of World War One" was presented as a Timewatch series by the BBC where Michael Edward Palin tells the story of how the First World War ends and covers the final casualties. At 5:10 am 11th, 11, 1918 the two parties signed the Armistead and the news was sent around the world; hostilities would cease at 11:00 am.

Michael Palin explains that nearly 11,000 soldiers died that final day before the 11am Armistice. This number does not include the deaths caused that day from received injuries. World War One had a whole generation of men just disappearing, the numbers are shocking, the cemeteries in northern France unbearably moving. The soldiers in France are buried in rank and file, and walking between the graves, provides a feeling of being in the middle of a dead army.

The deaths which occurred on the last days of World War One cannot be explained as having an offensive or defensive aim. Here an unnecessary escalation of war can be unveiled. Although, it cannot be attributed to satisfying a motive to exclusively increase military arms sales. The only way to explain sending 11,000 men to their deaths, for no reason on the last day, final hour and up to the last minutes of World War One is to purge the population of its trained and battle hardened warriors. Following WWI the American government was challenged by the surviving veterans, which camped on the DC State Capital in tent cities and demanded payment of a promised war bonus. It appears now that the American and British governments had made a correlation between who will cause them future problems and who needs to be physically eliminated. The following century continued on the same course, a future that manipulated created wars as a tool so the ruling elite and corruptible can sustain, economic and political control.

Example 2 WWII
World War II was a grave yard for the warrior population and took place over a 6 year period of 1939 to 1945. WWII, or the Second World War was a global military conflict which tangled most of the world's nations; including all of the great powers. It was organized into two opposing military alliances: the Allied and the Axis powers. The war mobilized over 100 million military personnel, assembling the most widespread war in human history. The major participants positioned their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities to service the war effort, in a state of "total war". WWII erased over seventy million people, whom the majorities were civilians, making this war the deadliest conflict in human history.

To scrutinize the entire conflict of WWII in one work is impossible but military tactics were created and repeated over the remaining century and beyond. The Battle of Stalingrad was completely revolutionary and would define future military strategy. In the Battle of Stalingrad, Adolf Hitler declared the German army would never leave the city. Later Soviets encircled Stalingrad and the head of the Luftwaffe, Hermann Göring insured he could supply the Sixth Army with an "air bridge". This air supply support system the "Göring air bridge" would allow the Germans in the city to fight on while a relief force was assembled.

The Sixth Army was the largest army unit in the world and almost twice as large as a regular German army unit, it should have been clear that supplying them by air was futile. The only way any military intelligence unit would suggest the implementation of a "Göring air bridge" would be with the sole purpose of creating a Kill Zone, which would entrench their own soldiers and render them politically obsolete. On February 2, 1943 Stalingrad ended with the surrender of the German Sixth Army. The bell tolls and 478,741 Soviet and German warriors were killed or were missing in action.

Example 3 Vietnam the First Indochina War "Viva la France"
The French became involved in a Vietnam War between 1946, until 1954 attempting to control their Indochinese colonies and trade. The French defense plan involved a forward operating base "FOB" called Dien Bien Phu, placed deep in the hills of northwestern Vietnam. The French constructed the base in the center of an open plain surrounded by mountains on all sides. Dien Bien Phu, could not be supplied by ground transport and a "Göring air bridge" was again resurrected.

The French troops dug into Dien Bien Phu with fortified trenches, reminiscent of World War I warfare. The Vietnamese ,Viet Minh rained anti-aircraft fire on the air field cutting the supply lines provided by the "Göring air bridge". Viet Minh artillery made the FOB a Kill Zone designed for the sole reason to eliminate the warriors from the French society. After a two-month siege, the garrison was captured and on May 7, 1954 the French surrendered.

The French involvement in Vietnam had very little to do with French national soldiers. Most of the hard field war was fought by the French Foreign Legion which at that time included an extremely large contingency of crack SS troops. These ardent Nazi's had no place to go or hide in the world at the end of WWII and joined in droves into the French Foreign Legion. The French were never planning on granting these X-Nazi's French citizenship on completion of their service to the Legion, and devised a plan to exterminate this group.

The plan involved the standard FOB Kill Zone which could only be supplied by air shipments, hence the resurrection of the classic "Göring air bridge" transpired. This strategy was taken right out of the pages of the Battle of Stalingrad and the operation was replicated on the failed German campaign. To make the FOB completely un-defendable it was placed in a open valley surrounded by mountains on all sides. This let the Viet Minh dig into the mountains and shower artillery on the French forces.

Example 4 Vietnam the Second Indochina War "Born in the USA"
The United States became involved in Vietnam from 1959 to 1975 following the French withdrawal. Fourteen years later during 1968, at the height of the American Vietnam War, the USA military brass recreates Dien Bien Phu, along with the classical "Göring air bridge". The name of the US Marine Corps (forward operating base) FOB is Khe Sanh. At the FOB Khe Sanh, a number of similarities between Stalingrad and Dien Bien Phu can be made. Although the Americans did hold some mountain positions, the high ground bases were sporadic, lightly defended and eventually over run. The primary Khe Sanh base, just like the French was positioned in an open valley surrounded by mountains on all sides with a central airfield.

Khe Sanh became encircled with fortified trenches, reminiscent of the World War I warfare. Together Stalingrad, Dien Bien Phu and now Khe Sanh could all not be supplied by the ground transport. The timeless "Göring air bridge" failed due to antiaircraft fire and the landing zone at Khe Sanh became littered with crashed aircrafts. Artillery hailed down and Khe Sanh predicatively developed into a Kill Zone, designed to wash the American population of any natural political leaders or opponents.

The only difference between Stalingrad, Dien Bien Phu and Khe Sanh is that the Americans military Brass claim to have won the battle, as in a victory. In addition the American Military provides some statistics to show they did not make the same mistakes. Here is one of the official military justifications, "Khe Sanh was much closer to its supply base than for Dien Bien Phu".

Another official military rationalization states that "at Khe Sanh, the Americans held the high ground, and their artillery forced the Vietnamese to use their artillery from a much greater distance". These skewed political explanations fail to mention that the fourteen year arms race, the Cold War provided the Vietnamese with better artillery, which could be dug in on any mountain ridge 10 or even 20 miles away. One forward spotter with an invention called a portable radio could easily guide or walk the Vietnamese artillery right down the marines' throats.

The PPM (physical, psychological and media) campaign in Vietnam was also implemented by using a small military structure called a platoon. The classic USA army Platoon in design was applied to escalate the Vietnam confrontation and psychologically empower the resistance. The Platoon is a small group of young, vicious and murderous gang of rapists and killers sent out with no leadership to eke out a level of revenge for the loss of their fellow soldiers, their O' my brothers.

What homicidal actions these Platoons performed were designed at the political leadership level to not police the population but empower and motivate the resistance. In the Old Testament following a battle the soldiers were never permitted back into their village until a rest period of up to a week. This is a psychological resting period because sending soldiers into a battle and then into villages is only performed to escalate a conflict.

The Vietnam War was driven by the media and for the first time actual engagements were experienced firsthand by American families huddled around their dinner tables and self absorbed by their televisions. It could be said that the American families themselves became so interested in tracking the progress of the war it became a drama, with the war playing out as a soap opera. From the H3onE3 work, hearing of a sacrifice or martyrdom was determined as a prim evil human instinct. Under human psychological development hearing of a sacrifice is comforting because it insured at a primitive level, they were not the victim

To add further insult to injured and disfigured soldiers, a grass roots media campaign was intentionally implemented that vilified the returning Vietnam troops. Soldiers returned to jeers, taunts and spitting at the airports and on public streets. CBS Evening News reported in the 1970's events of incidences that soldiers were attacked and spit on at the airports. The seemingly homebrewed hippie, socialist, student movement started as a grass roots campaign, which was commandeered by the social elite and utilized to render the returning Vietnam soldiers obsolete. The arriving soldiers found themselves demoralized both physically and psychologically. This was the tool used to insure the soldiers would never organize into a political front, such as the WWI soldiers camping on the State capital.

Example 5 Afghanistan
Afghanistan is a region with a harsh environment maintaining bad agricultural lands, mountains and high deserts. Any region with extremely harsh ecological conditions will be home to a brutal, unlawful and nearly inhumane population subsiding off what can be stolen from each other. These are the bands of warlords. Religions subsisting in such harsh conditions maintain an extremely radical interpretation of scripture, and tend to have an external fundamental component of religious sacrifice.

Unlike Christianity which internalized its sacrificial elements the Muslim religion is propagated by externalizing its sacrificial component. In the Koran the external form of sacrifice is called Jihad. Thus a far more potent tool is built to propagate Islam, than the internal sacrificial element is in Linear Western Religion. Western religion provides its god as sacrifices, which is an internal form of sacrifice. This method is not "as", an attractive growth mechanism and in fact hardly believable. Since convert or die, is at the fundamental theology of the Muslim sacrificial element, in time following the continual course, all shall be converted. The sacrificial element built into the Muslim religion is that powerful, that potent and well constructed.

Afghanistan British Colonialism and Russian Stupidity
The British attempted three times to colonize Afghanistan, all three failed. Dr William Brydon was the sole survivor of First Anglo-Afghan War, the invading British army consisted of 16,500 people, 4,500 military personnel, and over 12,000 civilian camp followers. Safe passage was granted to the British as they retreated through snowbound mountain passes. The Ghilzai warriors reneged and the withdrawing British were attacked transiting the gorges and mountain peaks along the Kabul River between Kabul and Gandama. The British were finally massacred at the Gandamak pass before reaching the besieged garrison at Jalalabad. Dr Williams Brydon fled on a horse and never looked back, surviving the account and memorialized in the Elizabeth Butler painting.

The First Anglo-Afghan War lasted from 1839 to 1842. It was one of the first major conflicts during the Great Game, the 19th century competition for power and influence in Central Asia between Great Britain and Russia. In 1878, the British invaded again, beginning the Second Anglo-Afghan War. In the late 19th century, Afghanistan became a buffer state in "The Great Game" played between the British Indian kingdom and Russian Empire. On August 19, 1919, following the third Anglo-Afghan war, the country regained full independence from the United Kingdom over its foreign affairs. The conclusion was Afghanistan had just gained a reputation as a graveyard for foreign armies.

On December 24, 1979 over 100,000 Soviet troops took part in the invasion of Afghanistan backed by another one hundred thousand members of the Afghan Parcham faction militia. The current ruler Amin was killed and replaced by Babrak Karmal. Soviet occupation of Afghanistan was part of the Cold War strategy, the United States responded by arming and supporting the Afghan mujahideen. U.S. support began during the Carter administration, but increased substantially during the Reagan regime, in which it became a centerpiece of the so-called Reagan Doctrine. The Soviet occupation resulted in the deaths of between six hundred thousand to 2 million Afghan civilians. Soviets withdrew in 1989.

911 the Two Towers and the Two Conspiracies
The 911 incident is no different than Pearl Harbor pre-empt to WWII or the sinking of the Lusitnia in 1915 the pre-cursor to WWI. To commit hundreds of thousands of soldiers to war requires a media campaign and an epic event seems to serve a higher purpose. Leading up to the 911 attack on the world trade center a few signed appeared that the world's conflicts had brewed an extremely radical and organized religious element. This means that the extremely harsh ecological conditions of the Middle East which will naturally produce a brutal, nearly inhumane population, is now well organized and technologically advanced. Thanks to the conflicts forged during the Cold War conflicts and Reagan Doctrine.

In turn both the hard natural conditions along with the war fabricated an extremely outward progression of the Islamic religion with its fundamental external component of saintly sacrifice. Loss of family, friends, brothers and loved ones from the Afghan cold war conflict now organized into an ideological struggle with defined enemies throughout the world. The organized and well funded group named Al-Qaeda now targeted both Russia and the Linear Western Religious Alliance.

Chronicle to the Rise of Terrorism: External Sacrifice
- 1992 first Al-Qaeda's terrorist attack, two bombs detonated in Aden, Yemen. - 1992 Israeli Embassy destroyed in Buenos Aires. - 1993, Ramzi Yousef used a truck bomb to attack the World Trade Center in New York City. - 1994 A small bomb explodes on board Philippine Airlines flight 434. Authorities found out Ramzi Yousef planted the bomb as a test for future intended terrorist attacks. - 1995 Bombing of military compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. - 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia. - 1997 Islamic terrorists attack tourists in Luxor, Egypt. - 1998 Two United States embassies in East African, Tanzania and Kenya carried out simultaneously. - 1999 Russian apartment bombings lead Russia into the Second Chechen War. - 2000 Al-Qaeda militants in Yemen bombed the missile destroyer U.S.S. Cole. - 2000 Jordan bombing plot of four sites uncovered. - 2000 Ahmed Ressam, plot to bomb Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). - 2000 Christmas Eve, Indonesia terrorist attack by Al Qaeda involving coordinated bombs. - 2000 Rizal Day, multiple bombings around Manila in the Philippines. - 2000 German police foil plot to attack a cathedral in Strasbourg, France. - Sept 11, 2001 A series of coordinated Al-Qaeda suicide attacks took place. Terrorists hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia. The fourth plane crashed into a field near Shanksville in rural Pennsylvania.


Considering the growing outward progression of an external sacrificial religious movement prior to September 11, 2001 attacks, a stronger security system should have been initiated at airports. In fact, the opposite occurred, less spending for airport security was mandated. Half of all the x-ray and metal detecting equipment in the airports was broken. The staff which managed the security at the airports was paid by the lowest bidding contractor. Most airport security workers received a handsome minimum wage.

Two conspiracies occurred around the 911 events. The first designed into the USA infrastructure, airport security and lack of controlled immigration. The second conspiracy can be located in the 911 grassroots media campaign that swanked a long list of completely false conspiracies. This was performed for the sole purpose of hiding the structural deficiencies. These structural failings replicated so closely, the WWII Pearl Harbor incident that they had to be covered and hidden by a homebrewed yellow journalism campaign.

This means that the 911 media campaign was organized, led and financed by clandestine government leadership designed to spam the worlds open media. The internet was utilized and pirated to hide the structural similarities between 911 and Pearl Harbor. The USA government was supported by a yellow media journalism campaign, which brewed out of church pews. The commercial media fed their fire and financing soon followed the grassroots yellow journalists, which than produced followers outside the church organizations. The original 911 conspirators groups met at church spaces and connected funding can all be traced back to churches.

USA in Afghanistan
Following the September 11 2001 attacks the United States launched Operation Enduring Freedom, a military campaign to destroy the Al-Qaeda terrorist training camps inside Afghanistan. The U.S. military threatened to overthrow the Taliban government for refusing to hand over Osama bin Laden and several Al-Qaeda members. The U.S. made a common cause agreement with the Northern Alliance, a militia still operating in Afghanistan.

The United States government, military strategists and the commercial media fully purged of any historical record, suffering from amnesia, unable to remember the British attempt at imperialism, the soviet crack at conquest, now sends the American army into the Killing Zone of Afghanistan; the graveyard of many foreign armies. Exactly how does a military with no friendly border or coast transport troops and supplies into the mountainous desolated region of Afghanistan, yeap you got it, a "Göring air bridge" with the entire country being a FOB and natural Kill Zone. The classic "Göring air bridge" was established to now supply and fight an entire war.

WestPoint and all military colleges certainly must teach the fundamental Nazi strategy to propagate the death of its own natural borne warrior class. The only group with any backbone willing to physically challenge the ruling political control continues to be sent into Kill Zones and forward airbases for their personal destruction. The connection between who controls these puppet strings goes deep into the dark pits of Fraternal and Masonic societies which Göring materializes as a chief architect.

Example 6 Iraq War
The Iraq war was also turned into a warrior Kill Zone but utilized a new method to spiral up the conflict and cut off any possible withdrawal plan. To escalate the war and insurgence, a media driven psychological campaign was utilized. Here the USA military arranged a media campaign which released pictures of torture, homosexual rap and clinical atrocities of the Iraq civilian population. Essentially nothing escapes a military prison unless it is intended to be released as a direct political policy.

The most interesting element of the Abu Ghraib prison torture pictures can be found in the actual pictures. The positions the prisoners were posed in were far more advanced and explicit then the guards were educated enough to produce. If anything, here is the proof that the prison guards were led by a extremely sophisticated intelligence operation and not by a small group of ruffians. A few pictures even demonstrated Muslim men assuming the classical crucifixion pose, reminiscent of the Jesus Christ Passion story. The reaction from the Muslim world was predictable.

So let's examine the Abu Ghraib prison torture pictures for their sophisticated elements. Multiple pictures of prisoners were photographed with them assuming position or poses of extreme importance, one being a pyramid and the other an out stretched eagle / Christ. These structural positions were intended to represent and replicate the United States great seal, which can be found on the back of the one dollar bill. The pyramid structure was designed to represent the Freemason emblem and their handily work. This being the Temple of Solomon square symbol of the Pi circle secret, here utilized to repress the free minded educated population. The eagle posture symbolized the manifestation of Zeus and that the Iraqi people have now had their Zeus, crucified in the Christian style.

The Abu Ghraib prison pictures were staged and the young uneducated, enlisted soldiers were tossed into the photos to appear as participants and ring leaders. The commissioned soldiers were simple puppets used as ponds to hold the reigns and responsibilities of increasing the conflict. The media blast of the Abu Ghraib photos caused an escalation of the Iraqi war by empowering the resistance.This brought soldiers and supplies from throughout the Muslim world to fight a guerrilla war.

The photos were taken using a camera owned by Cpl. Charles A. Graner . On January 2004, Specialist Joseph Darby handed over horrific images of detainee abuse to the Army's Criminal Investigation Command (CID). The next day, the Army launched a phony criminal investigation with a directive to only interview to low hanging fruit on the tree. No commanding officers from the prison were to be interviewed. Three and a half months later, CBS News and the New Yorker published the photos and stories that introduced the world to devastating scenes of torture and suffering inside the decrepit prison.

The abu ghraib prison photos caused perhaps the worst US public relations disaster since the invasion of Iraq. The published photos in 2004 damaged the image of the United States as it fought an escalating war against insurgents in Iraq and created a deep resentment throughout the Muslim world. The photos caused a rapid escalation of the conflict. Prior to the release of photos February 2004, 19 servicemen were named dead and reports of 150 wounded, future pull out seemed possible. Following the media hype and frenzy, by April the number of deaths jumped to 136 with 1214 severely wounded. The death and casualty rate has remained high ever since.

Example 7 French revolution
Now an understanding has been constructed to the reason why war is implemented, here we can board the time machine yet again and explain the French Revolution. The French Revolution was implemented to enlist the warriors from the world's poor, serf, sheeple population and coerce' them into a Kill Zone. Napoleon Bonaparte was merely a chess pond, a tool used as a puzzle piece to clean and clear the natural warriors from society throughout Europe.

Bonaparte was given victory after victory until all the natural born warriors of Europe were conscribed, enlisted and lumped into one potato sack. This potato sack was then driven past the supply lines and was annihilated in the desolate plains of Russia. What potatoes fell out of the Russian campaign were again, given victory after victory and marched up a steep hillcrest into a Kill Zone forged at the Battle of Waterloo. This was the puppet Napoleons last struggle and it ended in 1815, June 18th.

The American Civil War
Slavery is a horrific and demoralizing event in American history but here we must talk about it in a functional aspect detached from personal feelings. Only here will you find the Civil war to be a completely unnecessary event because the industrial revolution was very close to ending the need for a large untrained labor force. In fact more American Africans slaves died fighting, during the war than would have otherwise being freed by the industrial Revolution. Although, a slave should have every right to fight for their freedom and this can only be commended, historically we will view this war as unnaturally created

When the American Civil war occurred the Cotton Gin had already been invented and many other inventions that mechanized farming, by default eliminated any need for slavery. The modern cotton gin was created by the American inventor Eli Whitney in 1793 to mechanize the cleaning of cotton. The invention was granted a patent on March 14, 1794. The gin caused a massive growth in the production of cotton in the American South. Whereas formerly this work required a large labor source to hand clean and separate the fiber from the seeds. The cotton gin revolutionized the process and eliminated the need of a large worker force.

On some farms slaves were already wielding tubes which sucked cotton bolls off the plants making the laborious task of picking obsolete. This sort of machine had been patented since 1859 with tentacle like hoses that extended from a single vacuum tank, it look rather like an octopus.

Slavery was a tool used by the controlling elite at the beginning of the industrial revolution to weed out the hunters and warriors from both the black, tan, red and white population. The system used a yellow journalistic media campaign to drive up strife, separation and conflict between the North and South. This was the ground work for the controlling elite to draw the population's swords into a long war. The term yellow journalism was invented during this time period and was the tool used to start and continue the war.Slavery as inhuman or human as it is, was a tool used to separate the sides and draw warriors into battle. These warriors lined up in the Napoleonic row, upon row of ducks and they eliminated themselves from political significance. Warriors tend to use force and not their intellect to understand, negotiate and solve issues. They grab first at the guns and the survivor's communicate their accounts to pen and paper. It is their one weakness, their cross placed above their heads to bear for a life time. In the eyes of the world a history glorified by war is easier to justify than outright Genocide.

Now the situation has been made nice and crystal clear and determined that genocidal social conditioning has been forced on the world's population through each successive generation, without doubt. The Great finale, overall climax, prophecy or Revelation has still yet to be played out. The H2onE2 and H3onE3 labor strikes remorselessly at illuminating the human / humane impasse but, "When a man cannot choose correctly right from wrong, he ceases to be a man."

Views: 83

Tags: 911, A., Abu, Afghan, Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda, American, Bien, Charles, Civil, More…Cold, Colonialism, Darby, Day, Dien, Enduring, Foreign, Freedom, Freemason, French, Ghraib, Graner, Göring, H3onE3, Islam, Jalalabad, Joseph, Khe, Laden, Last, Legion, Masonic, Muslim, Napoleon, One, Osama, Phu, Ramzi, Revolution, Riyadh, Sanh, Shanksville, Stalingrad, Taliban, The, Timewatch, Vietnam, Vietnamese, WW1, WW2, War, Waterloo, World, Yousef, air, base, bin, bomb, bridge, forward, h2one2, of, operating, truck, war


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