What are the tech basics no teacher should be without?

I do a lot of professional development on integration, and I am always surprised by how many teachers, even those who use computers every day, don't know what I consider "must-know" tech skills. I'm not talking so much about broad areas like word processing or spreadsheets, but more small skills that make life easier no matter what application you're using.

Here are some "must-know" tech skills on my list:

- Right-clicking
- Tabbed browsing
- Efficient file management

What else should be on this list?

(Once I get a final top ten list compiled, I'll publish it, along with a movie showing each.)

Views: 195

Comment by Matthew Allen on March 26, 2009 at 5:49pm
One thing I have been helping with all year long is just being able to connect hardware properly...
Comment by BeckyM on March 26, 2009 at 7:11pm
Using a jump drive
Saving documents in the right spot (part of efficient file management)
Comment by Catalina Salinas on March 26, 2009 at 9:13pm
Being able to connect to a public/private wireless network (coffee anyone?)
Comment by Karen Fasimpaur on March 27, 2009 at 9:44am
Thanks for the ideas! Between here and the cross-post, I have enough ideas to keep me busy for months!

After I make the final list and make (or gather) movies on each topic, I’m thinking of a mini-workshop where I go through all of these in a whirlwind (10 min. tops) and then give people a checklist to check off the ones they don’t know. Then give them a half hour to go watch movies or read tutorials on how to do those. DIFFERENTIATED PD!!
Comment by Andrew Pass on March 27, 2009 at 10:21am

I think that you've asked a wonderful question. I know that this isn't what you are really looking for, but given your last comment, I'd argue: The most important skill for teachers and students and everybody else to acquire is the ability to look at a situation and determine what needs to be done to respond to the obstacles. Perhaps I'm thinking to ambitiously but I just developed a Holocaust unit based on Google Earth and more people have had questions as to how to use the software than anything else.
Comment by Karen Fasimpaur on March 27, 2009 at 10:48am
Great point, Andrew. I've thought many times about trying to put together some kind of how-to-figure-out-and-solve-your-own-problems....both for students and teachers. There are some steps of problem solving that many go through to take control and "figure it out" (and it's not because they are uniquely intelligent or have some "magic touch.") However, there are many who don't seem to have (or exercise) these skills. If we could teach more students to be able to do this, then we'd really have something.

Not this project, but as one with great merit. :) Some day....
Comment by Andrew Pass on March 27, 2009 at 10:59am
When you get around to it let me know. It sounds like a great idea.
Comment by Nancy Bosch on March 27, 2009 at 4:38pm
Can you believe that in this day and age we are still teaching right clicking and file management?? YIKES!
Comment by Karen Fasimpaur on March 29, 2009 at 3:39pm
Thanks all. Final consensus here for those interested.
Comment by Nancy Bosch on March 29, 2009 at 3:53pm
Looks like a good start!


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