What next after IIT 2010 Results - Counselling, Rank

IIT 2010 result will be declared on 26th May 2010. The timing may coincide with the cbse result 2010 date for class 12th cbse board exam. Many students keep asking me what should be there strategy post iit jee results are declared. The queries are asked by students range from who got good iit rank in iit jee results to those who couldn't make it to IIT.

Those who got top rank in IIT JEE results 2010 : Your case is not that completed. The confusion can be in which IIT you should take admission. The best thing would be to target IITs which are located in metros as these IITs are in better reach to multinational companies. So it may play an important factor while you apply for job.

Those who got average rank in IITJEE results : Have first preference as IIT Bombay and IIT Delhi. Whichever branch you get in these two colleges take the admission. In case these two options are not available then go for chemical, civil or even metallurgy in other IITs.

Those who got lower rank in IIT results 2010 : Your preference should be on branch rather than a college and try to be in the toppers list through out your academic year. Also, you can take branches like Msc chemistry in Top IITs such as IIT Bombay and get good grades in the 1st year then you can have an option of changing your branch.

Those who couldn't clear IIT 2010 result : If you are not able clear IIT then no need to be dishearten. You have an option of making it to top aieee colleges, delhi university, bitsat and you can even wait for one year and try your luck.

All the best for IIT JEE Results 2010.

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