Hi! I'm Deb Aubin. I grew up in Whitehall, New York. After high school I moved to Pennsylvania to attend college. I remained in Pennsylvania for the next 28 years where I taught at The Devereux Foundation, Malvern Preparatory School, and Avon Grove Charter School. A strong calling brought me back home and today I proudly teach special education to a very hard working group of students at Whitehall Jr., Sr. High School. I am happily married to my high school sweet heart, Ken. We have four really great children between us. I have been in the field of special education for a very long time. I love the people I serve. I am blessed to have met some truly amazing people due to my work. Since reading and writing are so difficult for so many people I chose to also pursue a masters degree in literacy. Though I enjoy teaching literacy skills my real passion remains in special education.I am a life-long learner and actively seek out the latest advances in education. My students, family, and friends bring joy to my life. My blog is to inform people about special education issues with a side of literacy!
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