Joanne Fuchs
  • Female
  • Lee's Summit, MO
  • United States
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At 9:30pm on December 28, 2008, Jack said…
Hi Joanne!

Hope you're enjoying the winter break. I was wondering if you, your educator contacts or students would be interested in participating in a Vocab Video Contest @ MIT university. We'd really like to get more students involved from MIssouri.

You can view contest details at Please let me know. Thanks!
At 11:52am on November 4, 2008, Steve Hargadon said…
Most welcome! Dig in and explore... :)
At 10:07am on November 4, 2008, Nancy Bosch said…
Glad you heard from Steve. N.
At 7:09am on November 4, 2008, Steve Hargadon said…
Yes, it was disappointing. I've deleted the chat module, as I don't think it really adds anything substantive to the site, and I deleted about five of the student members who signed up and were the most egregious offenders. Thanks for taking the time to communicate about it. Take care.
At 5:09pm on November 3, 2008, Nancy Bosch said…
Yikes, I know the guy that started this ning. Steve, has been concerned about the chat feature, it's never been really active by users. Please send a message to Steve Hargadon (right hand column), and tell him.

Every once and a while a teacher will try to open a forum for her students, I've noticed until the teacher is set straight her students use the chat. I wonder if that's what it was. Steve'll take care of it. N.


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