A presentation discussing the future of learning in a "connected" world.

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Comment by Terry Smith on April 30, 2008 at 8:53pm
Hi - I respect your point of view. My point is that the video is a stream of not-complete truths. There are many many like it, thus my cloning comment. It conveys the spirit of web 2.0 and so forth, but it leaves out lots of the foundation of how humans work together in society in its message. Because we can't all know everything about everything, we rely on the work of others, to which we respond, then perhaps create our own meaning, connect to others, and on. I don't buy into the idea that the ability to copy media, edit it, combine it, re-issue it on the Internet or elsewhere represents a major explosive change or manifesto. Most would agree that one has not necessarily created meaningful knowledge from remixing the work of others. Something is created, true, but what? I know that everything is changing in communication and self expression and knowledge sharing. Videos like this, in my opinion, are okay for getting attention, but do little more that splash about quips and snippets of ideas that have a portentous pretense. The message was refreshing the first few times it was delivered, but after a while...

On another note - I read your page and saw that you're in Korea. My class does lots with elementary kids in Taiwan. Twice I've taken my students to Taipei for International summer camps, culture immersion, homestays. I teach Mandarin as part of our weekly vocabulary study and kids love it - they do better on the Mandarin than the English!
Comment by ddeubel on April 30, 2008 at 7:06pm
smith -- YOU are the reality and YOU can fill in the "message".....nothing more and nothing less.

The reality is HOW this is enacted........ There is lots of reality out there, let me assure you but I'm more interested in being the sparkplug and not the flywheel.

Comment by Terry Smith on April 30, 2008 at 11:22am
These "message" videos must be cloning themselves. This one seems awfully simplistic, slogan based, with lots of reality missing. If there are no experts, who will fix your car engine? Who will translate discovered artifacts? Who will work on your teeth? Who will pilot the space shuttle? Who will teach your child to read? And on and on ...


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