I use diigo for my bookmarking and have noticed they now have diigo education. I'd be interested in hearing how educators are using diigo this in their classrooms.

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Hi Marie,

I teach in Northwest PA near Erie, and have been using diigo for about two months. I use diigo in several different ways.

One way is in my Current Issues/ Law classes. Each day I identify news articles, video, blogs, podcasts etc. from around the web; and through diigo I tag them for my students. The students also are identifying current issues in the headlines; and we share these in a class group. I also use diigo for topic specific searches, for instance we recently read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at the United Nations; then used diigo to research and identify human rights abuses around the world.

This is my first year teaching this course. The results are a vast improvement over how the course was taght before; which consisted of reading and summarizing articles delivered in the daily newspaper.

So far, I'm very excited about the use of diigo and the students tell me they can see the usefulness of diigo skills beyond the classroom.

Can I ask, if you use diigo, could you share any information about a rubric of skills. I have been using my own, but feel like I'm missing something....
Jim, thanks for your comments, I was excited to see how you are using diigo. I haven't started using it yet in the classroom, and was really feeling out how it could be used. I can see the great value in older students, not so sure with younger students. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Jim,

I just came across this posting of yours and was wondering if you have any more information / ideas / lessons learned to share about using diigo for your current issues class, now that a year has gone by. I've been looking into diigo for use in a blended course - was wondering if you gave the students assignments to comment on each others' tagged articles; did you use lists to provide students with required / suggested reading; etc.? I know I'm just scratching the surface of what diigo can do - am hoping you might have some concrete examples!

Melissa Wert

Can you collaborate in your setting with other subjects for cross discipline projects using diigo?

I've been using Diigo for about 7-8 months now and have just pushed it out to teachers. We are a middle school and have to abide by strict CIPA guidelines. I'm hoping that once teachers get comfortable using Diigo, we can then move forward to using it w/ students. We need to be careful as no bullying/swearing happens up online as w/ any Web 2.0 resource.
Thanks for your feedback David. I hope you will share how you go with using it.
I just signed up and got a Diigo account. I also did the Educator account. I'm wondering if anyone has a good site covering the "how to"of Diigo.
Marie: Classroom 2.0 Live recently had a workshop on February 7. You may want to take a look at the archive of it, which can be found at http://live.classroom20.com/1/post/2009/02/using-tags-and-saving-re...

Good Luck!




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