This group is for those just beginning to learn about social media and its place in professional learning.  During this first part of our time together, we'll be thinking about one aspect of social media in particular (blogging). For those who will be participating online, please
  • watch the screen cast from last semester's presentation (should be below)
  • learn about professional learning networks (peruse the links also below) 
  • establish a profile on Classroom 2.0 and join this group
  • blog on your first impressions of what a PLN is
Our assignment over the next few weeks is to be thinking about how networks emerge and operate.  There's a bit of required reading (Chapters 1-3 of Clay Shirky's book Here Comes Everybody) and a bit of required writing (2 blog posts beyond the original thought about PLNs, and 2 comments on the postings of others in the group).  Feel free to ask questions by replying to this discussion!

But you certainly don't have to stop there!  One reason we've moved "class" to Classroom 2.0 is to blog within an established network, inviting others to read and participate in our conversations.  Another reason is to bring members of our community to this one, so feel free to check in with the discussion boards on the front page and leave a comment or two sometime, sharing your knowledge with this rich community.

Screen cast

Also available via this blog post.

Links to PLN resources 

Tags: socialmedia101

Views: 95

Replies to This Discussion

First, I would like to know where on YouTube I can find the video you showed, I had difficulty hearing it.

Second, and pertaining to the assignment; I think PLNs are something that will be difficult for me to start. I am not saying I am unwilling, I am saying, with my schedule (especially during productions) I do not have a lot of extra time to be out looking for people to start this network. I think a lot of people in my situations, teaching my discipline would not have the time either, so I am hoping that I don't end up grounded before I even get a chance to take off. If I had to plot out my journey, as Drew did for us, I think mine would have very small ripples and a decline during the production time because during this time I am immersed in my content area and the necessities of the show and cannot see the light outside of what I am working on. I have been taking these classes because I know social networking (ie. blogging, twitter, etc.) are things that we MUST embrace and not fight if we want to reach the technological generation of students walking through our doors for each class.

I am excited about this class, because I think Drew will make it less painful to get started in something like this.
Great thoughts, Amy. No pressure, I'm sure. :) I'm excited to hear the determination in your voice. I think Classroom 2.0 is a great place to start this journey, as it's filled with people interested in topics of technology and its effects on our lives. I'll be looking forward to hearing your thoughts on these topics as we go through the semester!
Oh, and, if you wouldn't mind, please cross post this response to your blog -- we'll be subscribing to one another ("friending") and reading our thoughts there rather than through these discussion posts (though, as I'm thinking about it, maybe that'll change as we go).

You can access your blog by clicking on the "My Page" link and clicking on the "Blog Posts" link below your profile pic. Didn't outline that very well in my earlier description.

Nothing like learning through participation. :)
Oh, and here's the youtube video:

I'm a social media marketer by trade. Many here are concerned with the lack of time to implement good social media strategies. This is not unlike those in commercial industries that would like to embark upon their own social media marketing strategies. Learn the tips that marketers utilize could help. Also, learning how social media marketing actually works would also be beneficial. Contact me anytime for help!.



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