Has anyone ever heard of HelloWorld? It is a service that stores media, and allows me to live broadcast, video email, and even blog and podcast my lessons to my students all from one place. www.helloworld.com/cserventi will link you to my HelloWorld website.

I am interested in what others think of this type of platform, and would like some of your feedback. I just joined classroom 2.0 this morning, and am interested in how well I can network with other educators worldwide.

Thank you for your time.

Chuck Serventi

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Hi Chuck
Can you embed content (video, etc) on other sites, without any advertising?
That is always what I look for.
No only can you embed content on other sites without advertising, but there is no advertising on the site itself! check out www.helloworld.com/cserventi and see for yourself.

Thanks for the response Kevin.



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