Hello all,
My name is Bryan Jeffreys and I'm a new member here. I've been presented with the opportunity/challenge this coming fall to "re-create" or "re-build" the school paper. I'm relatively inexperienced with high school journalism as a whole, but this unique opportunity will allow me to incorporate ed. tech. into the program from the start (or re-start). Does anyone have ideas about a) using networking technologies in a basic journalism class, and/or b) using those technologies in the actual production of the school paper (brainstorming, reporting, editing, etc.)? Any thoughts, ideas or advice will help. Thanks.

Tags: journalism, schoolpaper

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Thank you for the helpful information. I agree with you on the importance of teaching about online journalism. My goal is to have the paper be primarily an online publication. I'm not at the school where I'll be teaching journalism yet (moving over the summer), but the links you've provided will help me hit the ground running. Thanks again.

Bryan Jeffreys

I am in the same boat as well at Advanced Technologies Academy in Las Vegas, Nevada.

I was wondering if you got any helpful responses or resources?

Would you be willing to share???

Thank you!

Vali Crawford


Check your state university to see whether there is a specialist in high school journalism, probably in the communication or journalism school. They will have lots of materials and ideas for you and can recommend someone to be a mentor teacher for you.

Here are some great organizations that focus on high school journalism and student publications and will save you immense amounts of time and headaches:  CSPA (Columbia Scholastic Press Association) at cspa.columbia.edu; NSPA (National Scholastic Press Association) at www.studentpress.org/; Student Press Law Center (www.splc.org) is great on legal issues and student rights. Most states have a student press association, but I don't see one for Utah. Here's a list of the state and regional groups: http://www.schooljournalism.org/students/regional-and-state-organiz...

Quill and Scroll from the University of Iowa is a terrific resource too. I am probably missing a couple of others.

When I was a high school journalism teacher and publications adviser in a small town in rural eastern Kansas, I worked with the local weekly newspaper, which gave us a page to fill in their newspaper. They loved it, the kids loved the exposure and the "real world" feel of being published in the local newspaper. Obviously there are lots of online options open without the cost of printing. (One reason I worked with the local newspaper was to avoid having printing costs.)

Good luck! It's a fabulous career/college prep course. If you are doing the yearbook, there are lots of tech tools to help with that too!

You should check out the work of Esther Wojcicki who runs the journalism program at Palo Alto High School: 


Also, this has nothing to do with schools, but I came across it recently and thought it was cool: https://www.contributoria.com/. It seems like you might have some interesting opportunities to explore how journalism is changing with your students !

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Best wishes




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