There's been a little bit of buzz about Reverse Instruction (or the Fisch Flip) on Classroom 2.0 lately.


I just posted a blog explaining how Reverse Instruction works in one classroom, with instructions on how you can make it work in yours.


Check it out if you're interested: Reverse and Improve Your Instruction with Screencasts

Tags: Fisch, flip, instruction, reverse, screencast

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This is very interesting and definitely something that I would try to implement into my future classroom. Screencasts help students become independent learners which is a skill that they will need throughout their lives. They are forced to do the screencasts in order to do the hands on in-class work. All classrooms need more independent and group work. Some may think that this gives the teachers an easy way out of teaching. I do not believe this is the case. By using screencasts it gives more time for questions and teacher support during assignments and projects.

I totally agree, Ashley.


I, for one, learn from screecasts on almost a daily basis -- it's how I learn to utilize most web 2.0 tools. I even learned how to code and create websites mostly from screencasts.

I think screencasting is a great idea! I am currently enrolled in an online humanities class and the professor uses Wimba to post her lectures online. The lectures include a PowerPoint presentation with her narration explaining the information on the slides. I watched the example that you provided, by Ramsey Musallam, and the concept was very similar. My favorite thing about the pre-recorded lectures is the fact that I control the pace. If I miss information or need extra time to take notes or draw diagrams, I can pause or rewind.

I agree with Ashley’s comment that the use of screencasts through reverse instruction “helps students to become independent learners.” It make students responsible for obtaining information before coming to class, knowing that if they haven’t taken the time to watch, they will be unable to participate in class. Even when teachers assign reading to be done before class, it is rarely completed as students assume that the teacher will review or explain the reading. In this sense, the use of screencasts holds students accountable for their work outside of class, they can’t use the excuse that they weren’t in class or didn’t hear something mentioned. I think reverse instruction has the potential to enhance student learning, as it provides more time for teacher support and increases student independence.

Initially, I was concerned with student’s making excuses for not being able to access the internet or the computer. I appreciate that you included several possible solutions regarding access issues. I think that having a hardcopy in the form of a DVD on hand for students to check out is a great option. Though it would be inconvenient to provide this assistance to all of your students, it removes limitation from those who need it. Additionally, the cost of DVDs are relatively cheap, making the replacement of lost or damaged DVDs inexpensive (though your students don’t need to know that).
I really like the idea and would like to try it out.  One thing that I wonder about are the students who are easily distracted.  In the classroom, I can identify them and redirect.  I would not have that opportunity if students are at home. Also, what would I do if students did not view the screencast at home?  They could not do the work then that I had planned the next class. I realize that students not doing homework is a common thing, but with paper based assignments at least I know that students have had the direct instruction and I can send them off to complete the assignment elsewhere or at another time during the day. I have limited access to computers where I teach.  However, that won't keep me from trying this at some point!  Interesting idea for sure.
Those are really good points, Tina. Accountability is definitely the key. I think it's different for every teacher. However, there are a pair of teachers in Colorado who have been effectively using Reverse Instruction for a couple of years, and they've posted their accountability techniques on their website -- you might find it useful.
Thanks for the link.  Has given me something to think about.  I can see the potential here for sure.  I am faced with probably teaching a split class next year.  Grades 4/5 or 5/6. Getting through social studies and science curriculum in a split class is very difficult since the province in which I teach has very different outcomes for each grade. Teaching a combined unit is difficult.   Perhaps a cloze activity for when students view the vodcast/screecast might be a good way to ensure that students have done the required viewing, along with the ideas presented in the article you linked to.

This was an extremely helpful blog. The problems that one might with the flipped classroom have were essentially solved through this post. I am in college studying to be an elementary school teacher, and I would love to be able to implement this into my future classroom. I had not thought about how much class time is lost due to trying to keep everyone's attention during the lecture. Reverse Instruction seems like it would solve this issue. Thank you for posting examples of how you use this method rather than just talking about how great it is. Seeing how it works in a real classroom with real students is much more useful than statistics being thrown around. Two of the main problems that I had with Reverse Instruction were Internet access being available to all students and making sure the students actually watched the video. Having time before and after school for students that do not have Internet access solves the first problem, and having a worksheet to go along with the videos solves the second one. I will definitely try to use the flipped classroom in some type of capacity in my future classroom now that I know more about it.

 This was an incredible blog which revealed the positive effects of utilizing the screen casting technology. I like this method because students come to class already prepared or prepped with what they are going to be learning. Along with this, they don't have every day classroom distractions to hinder the instruction process of their learning. This is a beneficial and effective way to help students learn and also, this is a way where teachers can cover more material in a semester more effectively compared to the traditional instruction method. Screen casting is also beneficial for students who need to re watch the video multiple times for added assistance. This method is also effective for substitute teachers and homework reviews for a test. Therefore, I believe that screen casting is a wonderful and effective tool that should be utilized more in the classroom today.

I think this screenshotting has great benefits whine comes to the learning in the class room. Many students have problems with just lectures and occasionally interacting with the teacher when a work sheet is passed out. I think type of instruction gives the students time to understand on their terms and to think on their terms. I also like the Q and A in class over the video this gives the students some support and guidance form the teacher. This helps the teacher also keep track of who is understand and who is not.

It is definitely a good idea to go with to see lot of changes and improvements.

This is a great link. Thank you for the resource. I already utilize a bit of this in my classroom. I utilize citrix gotomeeting/training and dameware. I find it really encourages participation and learning transfer.



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