When teaching an L2/F2 in the US, we have learnt that our instruction must be guided by the “The 5 Cs”, i.e., Communication, Culture, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities, which form the ACTFL’s Standards for Foreign Language Education. In this blog (300-350 words approx.) I would like you to reflect on how the 5 Cs were incorporated into the activity that your group designed and presented in class. To that end, not only are you expected to identify and describe each of the 5Cs integrated into your activity, but you should also consider how your activity could have be adapted in order to have covered all of the 5Cs in case some of them had not been included. 

Bear in mind that, in order to earn full credit for this blog, you must also leave at least two comments (50-100 words each) on your peers’ posts. Please take the time to read what they wrote – you’ll find that you often have similar reactions to the teaching experience, and can help one another a great deal through this first semester!


For personal blog: Sunday, March 8, 2015

For two comments: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 

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Jose I liked the technique you and your partner use to teach the students. culture and comparison were well incorporated when you guys made us say the meaning of the pictures you posted on the smart board. I know you did a lot of translation but you are not the only one even the teachers that I observe do the same thing. over all I think you did teach a good lesson.

Jose I think your’ teaching techniques are part of the Paradigm shift. I feel like you use all the “5 Cs” in your activity. I personally like that you use products such as picture of common transportation and places of the target language. I feel that by you inputting real authentic places in your activity you are making the L2 part of the culture. The only little thing that I didn’t think was necessary was the translation. I think that it was enough with the picture because the students could use assumptions that permit them to leech into another culture by the interpretation of their observations of the pictures.

Hi Jose... you did a really good job with your presentation, obviously your entire group did a good job. I liked the way you introduced the class and said that it was going to be a review about what was learned. This was done very clearly, and by doing this, this is clear to the class and the students who maybe need to do an extra review on what they learned. I would like to see more of a teaching to the class rather than a review. You guys did a good job presenting to the class and using all of the 5 C's, but I feel like nothing was really taught to the class. Next time, I would definitely not go for another review and go for teaching. Your post really shows evidence of how you and your group used the 5 Cs. Good Job!

Hello Jose, your group did a good job with the presentation. It showed that you guys really incorporated the 5 C's and I really liked the way you and your group presented a review of the vocabulary that we had learned last week. Gives a chance to those who really did not understand the first time around to understand this time around. I also liked how you made the students interact with each other and ask questions to one another. one little tiny advice, use less translation and you'll be great. I really enjoyed your presentation and looking forward to the next presentation.

The 5 Cs (communication, culture, connections, comparisons, and communities) were somehow part of our second presentation. For the second activity my partner and I decided to do and audiovisual lesson which involved the 5 Cs. After the students had listen and watch the audio video with Spanish subtitles they were asked questions about it once this part of the lesson has been completed we jump to the next activity where my partner and I have to teach them  how they can write negative and positives sentences for later on write their own dialogs similar to the audio video that we gave them as an example and once they have created their dialogs using words from the vocabulary and negatives or positives sentences the last unit is to present it in front of the class but making sure that the 5 Cs are involved in their presentations.

Communication takes place when the students start a conversation about something in specific which is them talking about a trip that they have made to a Latin American country (if they have not visit any Latin American country they can search it up and also add things from their imagination.). Culture takes place when the students have to describe something from the country they went to that has a cultural meaning such as; food, music, dance, etc. Connections are made at the moment the students understand the culture of the country they visited. Comparisons definitely takes place because a requirement from the activity is to compare the country where they live to the country they had visit. Communities takes place when the students have to describe the communities from the country they visited and also how those communities are similar or different to the community in where they live. In my opinion this is an interesting way of teaching students a Foreign Language.

Kim I thought your groups activity had covered most of the 5Cs. Doing an audiovisual lesson was a great way for students to know more about the culture and the communities that were being involved in your lesson. In your lesson students could connect to the people who was in the video and they can also compare themselves or compare certain places. I thought the video your group showed was a great way to cover the 5Cs. It’s very helpful because that way students have to use their listening skills to create answers. 

Hi Kimberly,I really liked you and your partners presentation. It was something different and in my opinion, also affective. Although you were unable to present the activity, it is clear how all 5 c's would have been present. I like that you are also including comparisons where communities takes place by having the students tell how the communities in the countries are similar or different.

Communication was based throughout the entire lesson. We started off with having the students read the colors and shapes to focus on their pronunciation. We also asked them if they knew other words for the colors. For example, when we asked if they knew other ways to call the color café( marron). This can connect into the way culture plays a role in our lesson. It teaches students that different countries have different vocabulary and shows them to be more open to it. It expands their vocabulary as well.  Culture was also incorporated with a form of visuals. We used charts and flash cards that had pictures of things associated with each color on them. When teaching the colors and shapes, we did it separately. Students first reviewed the colors, and then we had them review the shapes. After that, we had flash cards with shapes of different colors and had students tell us what they saw. If they saw a green triangle they would tell us “El triangulo verde”. This gave students the opportunity to draw connections between the two separate things they learned that day.  Communities were not a focus on our lesson. A way it could have been incorporated could be for students to receive an activity where they were to go out and make a list of things they see in their surroundings and what color they are. They can even look for shapes in their surroundings and make the same connections they did in class with the colors. Comparisons could have been made in asking students if they see connections with the colors in english and in spanish. For example, the color red in spanish is rojo. Both are similar in the fact that they both start with r giving the students a hint that it must be the same color.

Hey, Nataly, overall I admired the communication part of your lesson, since it had all of us fully engaged. As a suggestion, another form to incorporate culture into your lesson could have been by providing examples of fruits, e.g., T: “¿De qué color es esta fruta?”, S: “¡Es anaranjada!”, T: “¡Muy bien! Otra pregunta: ¿alguien sabe de dónde vienen las naranjas?”, [Silence], T: “¿De veras? ¿Nadie lo sabe? Las naranjas vienen de España, específicamente de Sevilla: una ciudad al sur de España”. As aforementioned, this is just a suggestion that came to mind due to the proficiency language level of students (novice) for whom we were supposed to design the activity.

Ciao Nataly, to be honest of all the groups that presented, your group was one of the ones that stood out the most to me. It was a great great great presentation. There were some comments during class saying like it was too remedial or it was for elementary students, but whats the difference? The language is the same and you have to teach the same way, so the way of teaching it can also be taught the same way. As long as all of the 5 C's are present, which they were and you provided evidence of that in your post, then thats a good way of teaching! The way you presented and taught the class in my opinion was excellent. If there were non spanish speakers present in the room, I think they would have understood what you were teaching. Your group also did a great job balancing between who was speaking and what was being taught, which was definitely a major point during your last teaching slice. I can't want to see how your group is going to teach more advanced material!

As I have heard various times this semester that when teaching an L2/F2 in the US, our instruction must be guided by “The 5 Cs” (Communication, culture, connections comparisons and communities). It is very crucial that in one way or another we touch upon all of these subjects in this field so an L2/F2 in the US can get a full understanding and full knowledge of his/her target language. My group and I worked to the best of our ability to touch upon all of these topics. I can honestly say I think we did much better than the first time around even though some of these topics were not present the second time around.

            Communication was very important in this presentation and I believe that my group and I did a very good job in that aspect. The whole lesson was taught in Spanish. Maybe a word or two were thrown out there in English to clarify a certain word that we thought maybe the class was going to have trouble understanding. But I believe communication was a big key here. Connections were incorporated in our lesson by having students say the name of the shape and connecting them to the color shown on the shape. First we had them say the colors out loud and then we had our students say the name and colors of the shapes. According to culture, I thought we incorporated culture pretty well in our lesson as well. When we discussed the names of the colors that were provided, we also gave a second synonym for some of the other colors. In other countries many people tend to give colors different names. We provided them with a second word or other names for those colors that they might hear in the future while speaking to someone else. Students are able to understand other people’s points of view.

            Communities and comparisons were the two of “The 5Cs” that were not really incorporated into our lesson. I think that maybe in our lesson my group and I should have gone over “The 5 Cs” a few times and made sure we had all of the topics incorporated. We could have maybe taken objects from the classroom and compared them to some of the shapes that were taught to the class in our teaching slice as an example. We also could have found something in the classroom with a certain color that also represented one of the shapes that we taught and have the class guess the shape and color. As for communities, since we did not really integrate that aspect into the lesson too well we could’ve had the students maybe write 2 or 3 sentences each about shapes and or colors that relate to our society and community. Maybe write down sentences about their day and relate them to the shapes and colors they saw on that particular day. For example, they could have seen a stop sign and the color of the stop sign which is red. We see this day in and day out throughout of community. We could also give the students pictures and let them guess what shapes are shown within the pictures. For example, give them a picture of a pepperoni pizza (which is common in American society) and let them guess the shapes within that picture as mentioned above. 

Hello Joel!

Based on your presentation from last week, I believe that you and your group did a fantastic job. There was a significant change in terms of preparation and comfort level with the class. You all definitely had the class engaged and were working in a much adequate pace as oppose to skimming through the material very fast. Part of teaching a lesson involves coherence and getting the students to understand. The interaction that you and your group had with the class was clearly there. You fully completed the requirement for communication because you were all able to bring across a point and an idea. I really liked that each of you took a role to portray a part of the lesson and explained it thoroughly. The use of vivid images certainly allows the mind of a student to see what it is that they’re learning about.  You were capable of including the 5C’s for the most part. The connection between the first topic and the second was there. For instance, when Nataly was going over colors, and then you had to review shapes, you all continued to incorporate bit by bit a little bit of what you all had to unravel into a whole. Communities were an aspect that wasn’t visible for me, but then again, my group and I didn’t achieve this goal. It would be essential to come up with different forms to incorporate all 5 C’s next time. Excellent job overall!



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