Hi!  I am a sixth grade special education teacher.  I was blessed with eight Chromebooks this school year to incorporate into my classroom.  My students have low ability levels, for example their reading levels range from first grade to third grade.  I am trying to prepare them for state testing, seventh grade (Middle School), and their futures, rather it be college or a career field.  I have begun to implement collaborative sharing with Google Docs such as collaborative math projects and using Forms in Science as a Science journal.   I also use Google Classroom for some assignments. The students seem to be more engaged and interested in the lessons when they get to work with the Chromebooks.  I am always looking for more ways to incorporate them into my lessons more often.  I was wondering if anyone had any good Apps for special education students or ideas on how to incorporate Google more into my lessons and/or classroom.  (Each student has their own Google account, by the way.)

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Although I am not a special education teacher (I teach adults), my students like when I give formative assessments in class using Google forms. I make a "test" using Google form and then when I deploy it I answer it first so the first line has the correct answers- this makes grading easier. I share the link with them during class and then allow them a few minutes to answer the questions. I get greater participation since no one is afraid to raise their hands. I also get instant feedback on how the lesson is going and I can see who needs additional help. 

Here is a link with step by step directions: http://planetoftheweb.com/components/promos.php?id=534


I am interested to learn how you use Google Docs for your Science Journals. I was a middle school science teacher for 2 years, and discovered the benefits of using journals in the classroom. I presently teach 7th grade math in the inclusion setting, and this year I decided to have my students use math journals to document their learning. So far, I have found that journaling has been very influential on the success of my students. They take pride in keeping up their journals, and have begun to realize the benefits of referring back to their notes at a later time. I am curious to learn more on how you have adapted the journaling process using Google Docs. Do you see the same instructional benefits in keeping an online journal versus a paper journal? Do you know if your students access and use their journals at home?  



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