I would appreciate some help with the following problem. I am setting up a class webpage. I have decided to use a wiki for the purpose since I will be using a wiki for a couple of assignments anyway and they are very easy to configure. The trouble that I am running into is that I have 5 classes and I need to either have 5 separate wikis ($$$) or to have pages in one wiki restricted for each class. The two wikis that I am considering based on ease of use and flexibility are wikispaces and pbwiki. Neither one offer page-level access and each one would charge about $1000 a year (way outside of my budget) for 5 separate wikis. Even if I used another tool for the class webpage I would still need to have separate wikis for the assignments and I would still need separate class pages as well. Any ideas? Thanks. Tom
Tags: class webpages, tools, wikis
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