Connectivism and Constructivism for web 2.0 collaborative learning

Web 2.0 collaborative learning can be viewed from the approaches of connectivism and constructivism. While constructivism requires prior knowledge and learning is social, initiated by instructor; connectivism is connection through network and requires personal learning.

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The first is to characterize our students to find the right methodology.

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Connectivism is the integration of principles explored by chaos, network, and complexity and self-organization theories while Constructivism views each learner as unique with his or her own background knowledge.

Thank you.

Connectivism and Constructivism-Advantages/Disadvantages

The advantages include the following:-

Prior learning experiences are used to develop new knowledge.

Learner/student driven.

Teacher takes on a partnership role with the students.

Learning strategies are developed to meet the learning needs/requires of new generation of students.

Learning strategies are implemented to keep up with new learning technologies.

Connectivism is a learning theory for the digital.

Learner makes connections between different pieces of data.

Foster's inspiration and combination.

Students work together towards a shared goal.

The disadvantages of Connectivism include the following:-

Teachers may have difficulty transitioning (Change from one subject to another in discourse) to new roles (leadership role to a partnership role).

Students learn according to their ability level instead of age-level.

Students feel consternation from being singled out according to their ability levels.

Students are labeled and grouped according to ability level.

Thank you very much.

In my collaborative inquiry course we are exploring the benefits of constructivism as one of the main elements of student generated learning. I agree with many of the advantages and disadvantages that you expressed here. I like the learner driven approach and not so much teacher directed. Also, the teacher working as a partner is a great concept. In our district we are shifting slowly more towards the inquiry based approach. Any suggestions to help teachers transition into this role? Many thanks Ryan....



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