Hi all,

I've written a short paper for a class about Web 2.0 ethical and legal issues. I've included it, but am wondering how many of you are running into these sorts of issues. Do you believe the frequency is increasing?


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While I understand your point of view and this is a definite issue, I do not believe that the actual plagiarism and self promotion are not anything new. They are just coming more to the forefront as there is a shift from it being a few people using the internet, its connecting networking systems, and knowledge resource to instead include the majority, especially the younger generation. Despite this not being a new issue, the anonymity available online can promote blatant disregard for any accountability, freeing people to say and do things that they otherwise might never say to a live audience.

There does need to be more of a push for digital citizenship being taught to students in schools from elementary on up, especially since each of us does leave a digital footprint that doesn't just get erased as you age. Plagiarism and cheating have always been a problem within the school system, but they are becoming more tech dependent. This always takes a lot of effort to combat.

I am not for the government being brought in to police everything, since that generally doesn't do as good of a job as people self-policing their own digital communities. When all of the policing is left to companies, without input from the users, it is much less effective.

Users have to be careful about the information they hand outand start demand­ing that sites take care of their inform­a­tion. If I want to hand out inform­a­tion to the world, that’s my decision, but it shouldn’t be up to some web site to make that decision for me.



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