I've just re-discovered Twitter, a social network that asks "What are you doing?" The cool thing is, in the Ed Tech world you can create a network of people who are there to help you, and give you support and suggestions at a moments notice.

Looking for a resource? Just send out a tweet and someone will know the answer. Dealing with technology resistance? My twitter network reminds me that there are people in the world who are as passionate about this stuff as I am. I write a blog post every Tuesday called "Two for Tuesday" where I share two interesting technology links - this week my links are all thanks to my Twitter network. (Thanks Twitter network).

Recently, I increased the number of people I'm following from 70 to 170. I've discovered that more is actually better in Twitter, it increases the odds of someone being there for you. I also downloaded Snitter an application that pops up to let me know about new tweets. You can follow me on twitter - look for lizbdavis, then check out the people I'm following and follow them too.

Kevin Honeycutt is creating a Vodcast that answers the question "What is Twitter good for?" You can follow him on Twitter too.

Are you using Twitter? What do you like about it? Still confused? Ask your questions here.

Tags: social-networking, twitter

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I'm on XP at home. I have a Mac for school, but don't want to add it on there. I think my next home computer will definitely be a Mac (ohmygod...did I really just say that???)
Of all the twitter clients, and I've tried them all, I like Spaz. I know the name is weird, but the interface is the most pleasing (and easiest to read at a glance) and the sounds are great. I keep it open all day. My second choice would be Twhirl. I was devoted to Snitter, but Spaz and Twhirl are IMHO better clients.

BTW, Spaz and Twhirl require Adobe Air to be installed, but it is a simple download from either website.
I am worried about these Adobe Air programs .. when I try to install Snitter, Twhirl and now Spaz, I get this scary message that the company is UNKNOWN and the you grant full system access without restrictions. I don't get that type of scary message with other programs .. must be an Adobe Air warning.
I've use a good amount of these clients.
I'm stuck on twitbin.
its got the features i need and stays out of the way. FF. Not sure it works w/ IE.
PC and mac.
Hi Elizabeth,

Thanks for the post. I have a question. I live and work in Hong Kong. I work with schools looking to use technology effectively with students. I mostly work with international schools but run workshops for a lot of local school teachers as well.
I have set up a twitter account twitter/lsa_paul I have put a feed on my home page and see what others are upto and sometimes comment on their postings. What seems more effective to me is to have a twitter network of educators here in Hong Kong. I guess the best way of doing this is to email all of the teachers I know and ask them to add me and I add them. That seems a little imposing. Is there a way that I can search for an existing network in Hong Kong? Can I search with any advanced settings?

HOpe my question makes sense to you.



In my experience, posting a Twitter link to friends has resulted in NO take up.

My network of friends is formed from those that I follow, and others who research my profile and updates that add me of their own volition.

I do not hope for Twitter friends that live close to me. I just enjoy the ones that choose me, and that I choose to follow.

Perhaps you could scan Tweetscan with "Hong Kong" e.g. http://tweetscan.com/index.php?s=hong+kong&u=
Cool, Will try this as soon as I get a chance Simon. Thanks.

You could try using Twitter Local: http://www.twitterlocal.net/ but I'm not sure it works internationally. You could also try using Twittermap: http://twittermap.com/maps
Hope this helps.
very cool.
twitlocal !
use it everyday. 80% of my contacts are educators / 2.0 people.
Yes, I just started using it! I thought it was really strange at first, but I am learning so much about web 2.0 from all of the twitterers.. if that is a word! :) It is really a great resource and helps me to lessen my word choice! I use twhirl to get the twitters. It seems to work pretty well.

I have found out more about web 2.0 things since I began the twitterverse than I would have ever discovered on my own google searching! Yeah !!!
I use Pownce around 30 times a day with 21 scholars in the walled garden. It's a tight group. We critique each other's articles and have "writing sprints"--a term I invented where as a virtual group we write for 90 minutes (as fast as we can) and then send our academic articles to each other or just write about what we accomplished. Very supportive group. I'm hoping to learn more about Twine.



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