What are some book recommendations for high school students that are cutting edge and will grab their attention?

We have a good list of titles, but are always looking for new ones.

Some that our students are reading include Things They Carried, Secret LIfe of Bees, Caramelo, Catcher in the Rye, etc.

But we're always looking for new titles that are powerful, and that a variety of readers would be interested in. Our Eng. teachers do give choice titles as well for different assignments.

Just looking for new recommendations....Please share!

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My freshmen are reading _Big Mouth and Ugly Girl_ by Joyce Carol Oates (yes, that's correct and yes, it's YA fiction). About a false accusation of a bomb threat and an "outsider" who steps forward to defend the accused. An unlikely friendship and the crossing of the clique lines. Very accessible to teens. Some of the dialogue is email messages between the kids. We have a problem with some bullying among this particular class (freshmen) and I hope to be able to flesh some of those issues out into the open.

Can't wait to hear what others recommend...I'm always open for new ideas, too!
If some of your students would be interested in science fiction, you might try Feed by M.T. Anderson. It's my favorite of the moment.
Thanks for the recommendations...keep em coming :)
I love Lords of Discipline. Very powerful. Highly recommended.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time - great mystery with an interesting portrayal of a hero with Asperger's (I think) - very good for junior high and up.
Perhaps a bit dated now, but Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes is a great book about identity, and character - and of course it's well supported by two films - one with the same title, one called Charly. (Could hook into a theme with the films Gattaca and A.I.
A rather remarkable fantasy story (and play) The Foghorn, by Ray Bradbury - about the last dinosaur in the sea.
The October Country is another interesting Bradbury story for Senior High readers.
I second the recommendation for The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. It is an exceptionally complete novel, full of rich provocations for discussion related to any aspect of literary craft. Brilliant, engaging, readable writing.
As the mother of a teenage daughter who had stopped reading anything except Girlfriend magazine I was happy to find the following titles that she read with pleasure and that had positive messages.

Barr, Lollie
Mag Hags
Five very different 15 year old girls are placed in the same group in their English class and given the task of designing and writing a magazine. I particularly enjoyed the strong characterisation and sensitive portrayal of some teenage issues.

Weatherly, Lee
Kat got your tongue
This book follows the life of teenage Kathy as she wakes after an accident suffering amnesia. The book gives us insight into how awful teenage girls can be to each other but is also hopeful in its message.
Our students like Mississippi Trial 1995 by Chris Crowe. It is based on the murder of Emmett Till in 1955. His death happen just before the Montgomery Bus Boycott and may be considered the event that started the Civil Rights Movement. Most history teachers don't know the story. Chris Crowe has also written a informational book on the event.

Great books! I read a lot of young-adult literature. I just finished an amazing book, Sold by Patricia McCormick (author of Cut) about young Nepalese girls sold into India's sex trade. There are graphic scenes, but nothing as graphic as Kite Runner. Sold is told in stark prose poetry. Quit a sleek and simple style; it's a fast read with a direct connect to a social issue adolescents will want to work to improve.

I've posted a variety of books that I've read recently ( and now have in my classroom library) on Reader2 (reader squared). Access the page at http://reader2.com/spillane

I've also posted a young adult bibliography and a word document (chart) of books recommended to high school students you can access both from the web at http://www.laspillane.org
Have you also read Chris Crowe's Getting Away With Murder? I think it's the information book you mention above. It's gorgeous with lots of pictures from the time--many text types, rich narrative... great book and my high school students love it!
I recommend "Street Angel" by Rob Batista. My students love this book, it is the journal of a young boy who lives in New York. He attends Brooklyn Tech. High School. The book grabs students right from the start.. It deals with peer pressure, gang violence, family, friends, and relationships. My students enjoy the text to self connections while reading it.
Feed by M.T.Anderson sends a powerful message about technology and how it affects lanugage and society. It's one of my favorites.



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