Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Jeannie Timken, Coastal (Wilmington) North Carolina. Elementary Instructional Technology Specialist for a local school system looking for classrooms and teachers to collaborate with. I work with a Global Elemenatry School and would like to have elementary students collaborate on a global scope via online docs and spreadsheets sharing data about their locales to broaden their horizons (just one idea...)
If you like, I can forward your contact information to my son's teacher here in CT. He is in kindergarten but his teacher can send it along to more appropriate teachers. Are you thinking 4th grade?
Hi to everyone! I am Meghan Connelly - I teach Civics and History of the Performing Arts at ACT Magnet School in Willimantic, CT. I am thrilled to have found this site. Web 2.0 ideas are near and dear to me because I also run a free current events discussion website for students at It is exciting to be a teacher right now as all sorts of new ideas are being formed. I look forward to being part of this online community!
Welcome to CR2.0 Meghan. If you want to be a part of new ideas being formed, this is definitely the a good place to be!
Hi everybody!

Shaun Bala from Toronto, Ontario Canada. I'm in a small corporate e-learning group. Always in search of innovation in technology and learning. Looking forward to getting involved.
Hi, Shaun. Sorry you didn't get welcomed earlier! So, welcome! Hope you find some things of interest.
Hi Amia. Yep, it's been a year...amazing what has been discussed during that time. Welcome!
I also, cant believe that classroom2.0 is only 12 months old. It seems so much older and wiser with all the wealth of knowledge that has been shared, global friends made and connected classrooms. I think I have been a member for 8 months now, but have learnt so much from being a member.
Hello, Dave Grewal, I'm a third year BBA student at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. I am currently doing my internship with an e-learning business called AuthorGen Technologies. I am joining this forum and blog to get a better understanding of Web 2.0 applications for education.

I am not going to try to sell anything or promote my products over others. I generally want to learn and discuss with others about the future of technology in education. By the way I am very new to this blog/forum/networking deal so don't laugh lol.
Hi all. My name's Mike. I'm a Kiwi. I'm currently the Elementary IT coordinator and the International School of Tangayika in Tanzania. In August, I'm taking on a new role - tech director at a brand new school in Bahrain. I'm basically trying to get better at everything.
Welcome! We are all trying to get better, and this is a great place to do it!

Hi there! I'm Nicole Medina and I've work in the multimedia department at the Lawrence Hall of Science, a science museum in Berkeley. I also do outreach for a non-profit company that provides open access of media and 3-D images of archaeology sites(

I stumbled upon the classroom 2.0 wiki and had a chance to go to the live conference in SF. I'm excited to hear all the new ideas and technologies that are coming out and hearing ideas and learning from people here!



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