Top 5 ways to effectively use mobile devices in the classroom

Description: An increasing number of institutes are allowing students to carry their mobile devices to the classroom, considering the advantage it has for the students. We have listed five ways in which educators can leverage classroom management software to effectively regulate the use of mobile devices in classrooms.

Mobile devices have become indispensable for learners and educators alike due to the flexibility and ease of use they provide in every task. By embracing the use of mobile devices within the premises, educational institutes are empowering teachers, administrators, and students to harness technology for better outcomes. Appropriate use of mobile devices not only makes lessons more interesting but also allows students to take notes and access study material more conveniently.

That being said, mobile devices also provide students with easy access to games, social media and other digital distractions. Gaining benefits out of provisions like bring your own device (BYOD) is subject to appropriate use the devices and the measures taken to check and control unintended usage of technology in the classroom. In this context, a classroom management software is essential to ensure that mobile devices are used to their full potential and only for the academic objectives in the classroom. Here are the five ways to ensure the same, with maximum efficiency:

  • Facilitating research:

    If students have access to all necessary academic information on their mobile devices (tablets and smartphones), then they can be relieved of the need to carry heavy books. They would also not face limitations while researching and gathering information when all relevant books and articles are easily accessible. With necessary and authorized resources on their mobile device, they will be able to utilize their time most efficiently.

    Teachers can use classroom management software to ensure that students’ devices can access all the required and relevant resources, whether websites or databases. For instance, teachers can ensure that students can peruse and download papers and articles from academic archives like JSTOR and Project Muse. Similarly, the institute’s digital library should be made available to ensure that students can access and learn from the widest possible range of academic resources.
  • Restricting access to the distracting material:

    While mobile devices can be a convenient means of accessing information, they can be used to access content that is totally unrelated to education or even possibly harmful for the institute’s network. It could be online games, social media sites, video streaming, and the like. They can also download games and other applications, which can be run offline and are difficult to monitor and control. The end result anyway is a distraction from studies and poor utilization of institute’s provisions.

    Using a class control software, teachers can easily prevent this by regulating what online and offline resources students can access and what not. They can create a list of approved websites and applications, thereby prohibiting access to the rest. With a classroom management software at their disposal, teachers can control mobile device usage for any activity which is not conducive to learning. This results in optimum utilization of education technology maximum return on investment.

  • Monitoring student activity:

    Despite the accessibility restrictions in place, the importance of monitoring students’ activities cannot be undermined. By using a class control software, teachers can keep track of the on-device activity of each student. Such software display every students’ on-screen activities on the teachers’ workstation in the form thumbnails in real time. If a teacher detects any unseemly activity on part of any student, they can address the situation accordingly.

    In addition to keeping track of student activity, classroom management software also allows teachers to take control of students’ devices or disable their monitors, keyboards and/or mice to check undesired activities. On the other hand, educators can also use the monitoring and remote access features for identifying students who need support and help them navigate through the lesson.

  • Building teacher-student connection:

    Trust and strong connection between teachers and students is a must for creating a truly productive learning environment. Classroom management software plays an integral role in building such rapport between these stakeholders. These software solutions come with various features for simplifying communication between the educator and students, such as one-on-one chat option. Such features are especially helpful for students who might feel hesitant about raising their doubts or putting forward their queries in class in front of their peers. In fact, teachers should rather make the first move if any student seems confused. Doing so breaks the ice for shy students and makes them confident enough to approach teachers in front of the whole class in future. This helps the teacher create bonds of mentorship with far greater ease. It also generates more confidence and trust among students for a teacher who is willing to take the time to understand their learning gaps and give them guidance.

  • Making Assessment simple and interesting:

    Assessment is something that students are generally repulsive to, but its significance in determining the learning progress of a pupil cannot be undermined. Doing away with the monotony of assessments is the key to making students rather enthusiastic about evaluating their capabilities on a periodic basis. This is where classroom management software is immensely helpful. Using such software, educators can create quizzes, multiple choice questions, essay type questions, or improvise to come up more engaging assessments.

    The assessment mode feature in such tools can put classroom computers in a secure and locked mode for taking exams. By enabling the assessment mode, invigilators can easily control and restrict access to the internet and other unauthorized apps and resources on student devices for the duration of the test.

The five measures detailed above can help teachers make effective use of mobile devices in order to create a healthy and productive classroom environment. They help to capture students’ interest, guide them in alignment with their particular learning styles and determine their progress. Ensuring effective use of mobile devices in the classroom can help in realizing the academic initiatives that were envisioned as the end result of fortifying classroom with technological advancements.

Tags: Classroom, class, control, education, management, software

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I totally agree with what you are saying. 

Often people see technology as source of distraction. However, we must understand that technology today is surrounding us, and that most of the students now were basically born with a smartphone in their hand.

So, in my opinion, instead of resisting this reality why not embrace technology and implicate the benefits it can brig to the learning and teaching process. As you say " By embracing the use of mobile devices within the premises, educational institutes are empowering teachers, administrators, and students to harness technology for better outcomes".

There are many benefits that mobile technology can bring to education. Instead of having in mind that digital tools such as phones, computers, and tablets are a distraction to students, why not embrace them and turn them into exceptional learning tools and gamify the learning process at the same time.

Let’s embrace technology to shake up the rythme of classes and make the learning experience more enjoyable.

Technology can definitely improve participation and interaction with your audience. One great benefit is for instance, the fact that technology enables very effective audience response systems in classrooms.

Audience response systems are a great way of increasing the level of participation and interaction with your audience and students tend to enjoy the class more and remember the content better.

Wooclap is an awesome and easy tool for that. It’s a great interactive tool used on all devices; smartphones, tablets and computers. All you need is the link to the website and you can turn presentations, classes, meetings into a great interactive experience. It is a good way to change the rhythm of classes by transferring part of the learning directly to your participants. This allows great interaction, collaboration and more engagement from your classroom. 

Research has shown that though mobile technology is a great tool in our teaching and learning experience, many who use it only use it to increase efficiency and not necessarily effectiveness. This article provides great suggestions of how to effectively use mobile technology in the classroom.Thanks for information sharing here...



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