Just the other day, a colleague said to me, "Where do I even start when I'm asked to begin reading blogs?" and I thought it was a great question.

So, that's my ? to anyone out there. What are your top 3 blogs you'd recommend others to read about web 2.0, collaboration or anything technology-related? I'd like to create a list for teachers at my school of the most commonly recommended. Thanks for your help. :)

Mine are coolcatteacher.blogspot.com, utechtips.com and thefischbowl.blogspot.com

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I blogged here on the importance of a small number of regular reads. I was feeling the same kind of bewilderment-with only a few hours to spare for this activity a week-which ones do you keep on the short list? I know I could add more-or rotate the reading to spread the wealth around. I have read many of the 'mentioned' ones. I need something that speaks to me about the reality of my daily work. That is my measure of a valuable blog.
Hello, I am new to this discussion board/blgging game, but am so interested in what it will bring to my classroom and how I can show teachers how to integrate it into the classroom. So thanks for posting your recommended blogs, I am certainly going to check them out.
Interesting narrowing it to three!

I agree that beginning bloggers may have more interest if reading blogs in their own subject area, but I also think it's good to have one "outside the box" technology type blog as well, just to provoke some thinking about how to incorporate these strategies.

I like Weblogg-ed.com Will Richardson's blog for the conversations that happen there.

I also really like Chalkdust by Patrick Higgins.

And for some thinking about how to make school less "schooly" I think that Clay Burell's Beyond School is essential reading.
The Chalkdust blog is 5 years old---was that the right address?
Again, thank you all for your input. This is really new to me, so I am just enjoying the conversation and reading along. My hope is that by September, I will have some resources and or connections for my collegues and students. It is amazing to me how far behind I feel at this point, and I do not like being behind, so I am on a mission to catch up my knowledge.
One of my favorites:


I just started a tech integration blog I would like people to check out. I teach JH science and use an Activboard so it might lean that direction from time to time. learning.21st

Have you used a RSS Reader before?  I use Google Reader.  With a RSS Reader you  list all your favorite blogs and the newest post will show.  This way you can just check your RSS Reader instead of going to all of the different sites.  It has a search engine and folders too so you can only look at the blogs that you need at a particular time.  It is a major time saver.  :>)



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