Think reflectively about the micro-teaching lesson that you created and presented in class. The, write a blog (250-300 words approx.) that responds to the following three key questions: why you found this lesson interesting and strong for your class, what you would have done differently due to differentiating instruction reasons, and how you would have incorporated more culture into it.

In order to earn full credit for this blog, you must also leave at least two comments (50-100 words each) on your peers’ posts. Please take the time to read what they wrote – you’ll find that you often have similar reactions to the teaching experience, and can help one another a great deal through this first semester!



For personal blog: Sunday, March 15, 2020, 11:59 p.m.

For two comments: Wednesday, March 18, 2020, 11:59 p.m.

Views: 326

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For our second micro-teaching activity, I did the lesson on ACTFL- reading, Intermediate high level and consider the three phases for reading comprehension. I found this lesson activity to be very interesting and strong because it prepares us as future educators to become familiarized with the different levels there are to teach. This lesson also shows how we can prepare students to be more capable in reading comprehension following the pre, while and post reading phases of the activity. In the lesson we had to incorporate culture, and I did the lesson on “Día de Los Muertos”, the purpose for choosing this text is to familiarize and open student minds to other cultures. At the same time, this motivates students to learn further about other cultures by reading texts and giving them interesting topics, students want to read about.  

            For my pre-reading example, I would have added more pictures to the vocabulary, this way students are able to comprehend, answer and participate before we get to the next phase. This is important because by having familiarized themselves with vocab in the pre-reading phase, they can interact and learn from the text in the while-reading phase. Another change I would have done to my activity is to be split up my comprehension questions to each paragraph of the text. For example, in paragraph one, I could have done true and false, second paragraph multiple choice and third paragraph open questions, this is a way to keep students interested and focused on the reading.  

            A way to have incorporated more culture into the micro-teaching activity, is by illustrating the different music and food they make during the “Día de Los Muertos” to take the students more in depth of this culture day.

Hi Lady, I really enjoyed watching your presentation, I like how you incorporated the culture of Día de los Muertos. I found your lessons to be very accurate for the level you have been given. In addition, the lessons you’ve created are very interactive and fun. On the other hand, you could have made the lesson a little more better is having more pictures in your vocabulary section.

Hi Maria, I totally agree. I enjoyed watching Lady's presentation as well. The way she made the lesson can bring the students attention. It is at their best interests. Your right on the part that she should've added more pictures in her vocabulary section but other than that she did a great job. 

Hi Lady,

I thought your lesson was really interesting as you had incorporated a lot of cultural topics for your students on "El Día de Los Muertos". This lesson would help students fully understand the meaning on El Día de Los muertos and what is done on this special day. The only suggestion that I have for you is to change the colors on your presentation because it was difficult reading. Beside that all your activities were well done. 

For the second micro-teaching lesson I was assigned ACTFL’s Intermediate mid sub level in reading proficiency. I centered mine around a weather lesson and included how the weather is in Chile. Based off the proficiency level I was given I did feel as though the lesson was strong and interesting. I picked a simple topic that most times is always covered in a language class and focused it on something that a lot of people may not know about. It was something different than the traditional textbook lesson on weather. I felt as though it included the appropriate pre, during and post reading activities that would allow students to comprehend the reading assigned. What I would have done differently due to differentiating instruction reasons is, provided more images in the lesson. Most students are visual learners, I could’ve maybe added a weather report and played it for the class, with subtitles to allow them to get a better sense of the difference in weather. I also could have created a separate activity with the same intended end result for the heritage speakers. Possibly one that would work on their writing skills and maybe ask them to speak a bit on their heritage countries and their weather. This would also allow me to incorporate more culture into the lesson. Although I already had incorporated culture this would’ve helped as well. I do remember someone saying for my post reading activity, which was to compare Chile’s weather with the weather where they live. To instead assign a pair or group of students a specific country and ask them to look up the weather in that country. This then allows students to learn not just about Chile but other countries weather patterns. As well as incorporating more culture into the micro-lesson.

I did my lesson on advanced- low proficiency level focusing on the three phases of reading comprehension, pre reading, while reading and post reading; I feel like the activities that I chose would be very beneficial for the readers  comprehension. I found this lesson interesting for my class because it talked about a subject that was new to them culturally. We spoke about la Féria de Sevilla which is a pretty big event in Sevilla, Spain; everyone enjoys this week as they take off from work and celebrate with friends and family. It’s an event that is time specific and well known within the region. This will allow students to expand their knowledge on outside cultures.

In the beginning of my lesson for the pre - reading I decided to add student choice, that is one thing I would change. I would chose only one of the given activities to be able to better grade their responses. The  activities that I chose were very different from each other, in result of that I would have been very different to evaluate the students. This is very important for a teacher to be able to evaluate the students to be able to see where the students stand.

A way that I could incorporate more culture in my lesson would be by asking my students to share something about their culture so that can lead to a in class discussion. Ask them about a previous cultural experience that they think is similar to what was discussed. Students will find this very intertwining and beneficial.

Hi Talia, I found your lesson to be interesting and informative because you implemented the culture of Spain in this case La feria de Sevilla because not many students are not very familiar with, it makes it more interesting found. Moreover, your lesson is accurate for the level you have been given. the lessons you’ve created are very interactive, fun I also like how you added a video in your presentation at the end like an incentive to forward after the work.

 For this micro-lesson I was assigned From ACTFL reading, novice high, based on the 3 phases of reading. My lesson was on Cinco de Mayo. I choose this topic because I believe this was a great way for students to comprehend the lesson by understand it and have a connection to the text from their own experiences. As well as, implement culture which is a key factor when trying to teach. I believe this was a great way for us to teach students about other cultures and preparing us to use this strategy of levels to formulate a lesson based on the class you are given.


Somethings I would I have done differently is for my pre-reading slides, are not having a vocabulary list and rather add pictures next to the vocabulary because this helps enrich the lesson by helping students using their own knowledge and forcing them to speak the language. And a great way for student participation .Another thing I would have done differently is switching my True and false first rather than having the comprehension skills question. This gives students to work harder and uses their comprehension skills from the reading provided. On the other hand, something I could have implemented is a small clip of Cinco de mayo for Visual learners after the lesson, more or less on like an incentive after hard work also a great way to wrap up what they have learned. Furthermore, what I could have done to implement more culture into the lesson is having student turn and talk within their groups and talk about their own festive holidays they celebrate and learn from amongst each other.

Hi Maria,

I really enjoyed your micro-lesson on “Cinco de Mayo”. I thought the way it was presented to the class, was very organized and well put together. I also think that the topic you chose is one that many students are familiar with, since its also celebrated in the United States. I agree with you about the vocabulary and having more illustrations that go with the vocab, that was something a lot of people realized after it was pointed out.

Hi Maria, 

I thought your lesson was great and well put together. I believe that this lesson will help students become more informed and aware of the celebration of Cinco de Mayo. As you mentioned before, having pictures for your vocabulary would have helped students be able to make a connection instead of listing them. Besides that every other activity was well thought out. I also liked the way you decorated your powerpoint as it adds more joy to it.

 For our second micro-teaching activity, I did a lesson based on ACTFL- reading, intermediate low sub level and had to include the three phases for reading comprehension. I found my lesson to be interesting but it would only prepare the students on a novice level. I could have incorporated more cultural aspects as well as longer lectures since at an intermediate level they could be challenged a little more. That's the only thing I could have done differently in order to prepare students to expand their knowledge. Since my topic was based on dogs, I could have incorporated a dog from Latin America for example so the students could find it more interesting. I could have assigned different types of dogs around the world so the students could find the information about it and could have shared it in the class. I could also implement videos and pictures that can catch the students attention. In the pre reading face, I could include different pictures of different dogs and have them match it to the correct  country instead of letting them have an easy do now. It is very important to have the students' interest and dedication in a classroom. We should be able to challenge our students at any level. Comprehension can be often uneven but teachers should do the best in order for students to perform well. My lesson could have been better, I will make sure to incorporate the appropriate tasks. The three reading phases are a helpful method in order to make lessons for any level.

Hi Tanya,

I thought that your lesson had nice characteristics, I like how you included a “do now” in your lesson. However, you could have incorporated more exercises for your students to do at the intermediate low level with the reading phases assigned. I also agree with your understanding about adding the dogs from different countries could have added culture into the lesson.



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