Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Seems like you'll have lots of good experience to share with us! Can't wait.
How is this working for you, our district has two test schools partaking in a one-to-one experiment, with SmartBoards?
I am an educational technology teacher with the Anchorage School District in Anchorage, AK. I have 18 years of teaching experience, was my school's building technology coordinator for 8 years and have recently moved to my current position at the district level. I provide educational technology and network support to 8 elementary schools around the district. I have lived in Alaska for 30 years. I am new to social networking and look forward to learning more.
Shelley - wow, it sounds like you have a lot to teach US! What are your main support areas at this time - do you work directly with the teachers? Looking forward to learning from and sharing with you!
I get to work with teachers, in groups and individually. I'll be teaching two classes at a teacher academy this summer. I also get to work with students assisting teachers with using technology in the classroom or modeling the use of technology in the curriculum. My least favorite area right now is creating images for different school's computers. My areas of interest right now are integrating web 2.0 sites into the curriculum, podcasting, integrating the use of ipods into the classroom and one to one computing.
Hello, My name is Brenda and I teach technology classes at the high school level. I really want to keep up with the students and provide technology they are interested in. I'm hoping to get ideas from classroom 2.0.
Welcome to CR2.0, Brenda! What kind of technology classes do you currently teach? I'd be interested in hearing about that - I teach keyboarding/computer classes at the middle/elementary level, but would like to be at the high school level at some point in the future. Again, welcome, there's a ton to learn here!
Howdy classroom2.0 members :) My name is Michael Whalen. I am a website developer in Honolulu Hawaii, and I helped build the website SchoolRack is a website where teachers can create websites, share files with parents and students, and a whole lot more.

We've been working on it for a long time and really love the project, and love the community that we're creating. Thought I would drop by here sine not many of our teachers are "web2.0" savvy, although our website is certainly web2.0.
Hello Michael,
Great to see you here. Sounds like you are doing some really cool things that support teaching and learning. Hope to hear more from you.
Welcome, Michael! Do you work directly with any schools? I'm curious at the adoption of your site by teachers you work with. Looking forward to hearing more from you!
Greetings Community,

I am a technology coordinator in San Diego. I stumbled across this web site by "trolling" the internet for resources for technology leaders. WOW! I hope to contribute more than I take away. This is a great resource.

Hi Antwon,
I thought exactly the same thing when I joined Classroom 2.0 - WOW! I lost myself in it for quite a few days. There was so much to learn and try. Look forward to your contributions.




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