Hello everyone,

I would like to start a discussion on a new product that was just released by authorSTREAM, which converts PowerPoint files into an iPod/iPhone friendly format. Also, there is additional option available on the authorSTREAM website that converts PowerPoint files onto YouTube and other file sharing sites as well.

So, I would like to know what you all think about this idea of uploading PowerPoint on YouTube and iPods. What are some of the educational benefits and how can this new technology be used to further enrich the classroom setting?

Here are some quick benefits I see right away:
-Students can now watch, listen and study class slides away from a computer with their iPod
-Teachers can post the class slides online so a greater audience can see
-Students can take those PPTs they worked so hard on and upload them online so that the world can see
-Teachers can begin to use iPods as a means of teaching students

These are some ideas I think have potential of making a difference in the classroom.
Please let me know what you think.

Here's a PPT I created for this new product.

Tags: PowerPoint, authorstream, file, iphone, ipod, sharing, video, youtube

Views: 197

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Hi Dave.

I think this feature is great. Here is my post about it:

Best wishes

I think it has much potential. Is it a slideshow but convertable to MEPG4 and built in feed to iTunes? Adding audio possible? I create screencasts in Camtasia Studio for use by my students for review. This would be another option for teachers who are looking for something less interactive?

Hi, Dave!

We try to avoid direct commercial pitches here, while at the same time respecting the fact that products like yours could get a lot of really good discussion going at CR 2.0--and could help vendors improve what they offer educators. This was a little more direct than I might have wanted, so let's open it up.

I like the idea of presentation creation that easily goes to ipod and youtube. I'm wondering if others solutions exist, or what CR 2.0 members have been doing in this area, if anything.
Sorry, I realise it’s a pretty fine line I have to walk between promoting a product and getting a genuine discussion going. To make things fair, there are many other online presentation services. But, this new feature for PowerPoint to iPod/iPhone and YouTube conversion is something new to the market.

As for other solutions, there is one way I found on YouTube and Google about converting PPT files and transferring to your iPod. The process is doable; however, I think authorSTREAM cuts out a lot of the hassle by doing it all in just a few mouse clicks, check it out here.
Hi Dave,

I think enabling you tube and iphones to upload power point presentations are great innovations. The fact that most student have access to you tube browsing almost everything, it can be an opportunity for teachers to upload lesson slides in you tube and encourage students to spend few minutes to open and review lesson on the site. On the otherhand, students uses iphones everytime they have the chance to use it. Uploading power point on iphones will help student to have easy access to teachers lesson. Viewing the lesson slides couple of times through iphones can improve students learning. On the contrary, lesson slides uploaded to you tube and iphones may result to the following problems: First, students may become inattentive to lessons presented in the class because they may think that they can browse the presentation at their convenient time using their iphones. Second, it can be a source of distraction in class. If students are allowed to use iphones in class, they may pretend to be browsing the slide while doing other things. Students may also use you tube and iphones to upload slides that are inappropriate and unacceptable both in the classroom and in the society.




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