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Hi Katie I think we are just chipping at the iceburg no matter how long we have been at the emerging technologies. In our classroom we have started blogging as well, using wikis. Some of the other applications we like using are podcasting and making digital stories which can then be embedded into the blogs. Another that we have used a little is voicethread. We hope to do more on so we can collaborate more with other schools around the globe. Global projects are a great way to learn about others and some of the new technologies and we have set up a ning with a school in Las Vegas to share digital travelogues. If you look through the past discussions and forums there will be further ideas.
Thank you so much, Anne. My students have also had small experience with making a website (one page) on a machine from the industrial revolution. They have also made uLead movies with their science teacher. I want to get them connected globally. Should I look into whatever ning is? I have never heard of it before.
Hi Mini, classroom2.0 is actually a sample of a ning. It is another tool that will allow you to have discussions, forums, groups, video pages, blog pages etc. I would start with the other tools first and embed them into blogs etc. Do your students have blogs. That is a great way to start and then they can connect with other students who blog. With their blogs they can keep a record of all the things they are doing in their various classes and end up with wonderful digital portfolios. Keep using this site so that you understand how it all works and then you will know whether a ning would have a purpose for you. Also joining the distance collaborations group of classroom2.0 is another good starting point as are other groups on this site that may interest you. I started my students working on a delicious account as well, where they can bookmark all the sites they may use or need to use in classtime. Involvement in global projects is a great way to start connecting as well and usually involves reasonably simple procedures with other experienced educators to help you through.
Thanks for the invite, to get more people on here!
Hello all. Looking to add even more to my classroom setting and learn from everyone.
Welcome, Melanie! Glad you joined, and thanks for introducing yourself. I left a note on your page since you are member #7000. Wahoo!
Hello all,
My name is Kathy and I am so excited to find this site. My friend Katie asked me to join. I hold a master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction and I teach Methods and Materials for teaching English Language Learners. I am currently a Curriculum Technology Integration Specialist at an intermediate school in the NW suburbs of Chicago. My biggest objective in working within this site is to collaborate with other educators to integrate technology. I find that every single day using technology in education changes. It is so hard to get a grasp on what is out there, especially when there are only so many hours in the day and so many das in the week and so many weeks in a school year. I guess what my biggest hope is that we can all work together to discuss best practices in integrating technology. I can't wait to ask questions and give suggestions!
Hi, Kathy! We're actually planning a Web 2.0 workshop for Chicago.... if we can get it together in time (early May). More at

Waiting for your questions and suggestions!
Hi Kathleen Welcome aboard. I know how much I have got out of this great classroom both for myself and my students and will reply to your comment in the next few days about what I do with the younger ones in regard to web2.0.
Hi Kathy, I lead the Tutor/Mentor Connection, based in Chicago. We're trying to help non-school, volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs grow in the high poverty areas of the city and suburbs where kids need lots of extra help. I live in Park Ridge and have been working with the schools there to help them start a service learning program that connects older students to younger students in the Park Ridge system, then connects the kids in Park Ridge with those in inner city neighborhoods. We host a conference in May and November. I encourage you to take a look.
Hello - I am Andrew, classroom teacher at Balmoral School in Auckland, New Zealand.

I teach Year 5 and 6 children and they have just begun their journey into the world of blogging. Come along and visit our class blog and follow some links to some Room 18 students who are following their own blogging adventures.


We welcome feedback and comments on our site. If you are running a class site of your own please contact us as we love to extend our worldwide community links.

Balmoral School
New Zealand
Hi Andrew, I worked a lot last year, with one of the first friends I made on classroom2.0. It is rather interesting that her room was 18 as well and she used that in the title of her wiki. I will certainly be looking up your blog site as I teach grades 4-10 this year and they have all started blogging. We are in south west Victoria, Australia



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