Okay, I've been thinking about this for a few days now even though I really don't have any time to be doing this with it being the last few days of school and all. I've been reading how various people, web2.0 activists, teachers and other techinclined people would like to see more done in schools. So, let's do it. Why can't we begin to use the tools we have to do what we wish we could do? How many teachers would be interested in a collaborative project with others that would enhance the using of the tools in the schools? I'm thinking our school division has a focus on reading so maybe one of my teachers could work in conjunctions with a few others on reading projects - heck even reading books and illustrating them or acting them out and taping. Let's just bring teachers and students together and the tools will be there. Anyone game?

Tags: usingtechnology, web2.0

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Thanks for the invites.
I left you a note in Ecto and will check out the map.
What a great idea! I've never used a wiki before, but it was quick-quick. I started a page called Skyping Endeavors as a project for us to tackle during the summer. I love this self-development idea rather than staff development requirement. It is nice to have other teachers to connect to who are interested in becoming more tech savvy educators. BRAVO!
How about collaborating on Diigo too? If you don't know Diigo, it's a social bookmarking and annotation tool. Members can leave comments and highlight webpages for other members to read and add to. I've opened a group there http://groups.diigo.com/groups/classroom20 anyone wishing to have a go is welcome.
Funny, this diigo group just woke up! Only took 8 months
I just checked diigo out thanks to your post; thank you for sharing. This is a really neat tool. I have a del.icio.us account for social bookmarking. Anyone else use delicious?
Great idea Susan. I was wondering if we might also try using TappedIn to congregate and share ideas. I've an account there - it will take me a few days to get organized - end of school and all. I'll give more details as they become available.
excellent idea kelly, I also opened an account at tapped in but really wasn't sure what to do with it, I'll wait for more details about your room there.
I too have an account in TappedIn but can't seem to figure it all out. Maybe now that summer is here, I'll have more time to try. In the meantime, Kelly, your wiki is great fun! And, Susan, I'm going to check out Diigo...I never heard of it before. Oh boy...more to learn!
This sounds like a great idea; count me in.
Love this idea! I'll pass it on the the Elem. Reading Teachers Group.

-Michelle TG
Lots of great ideas and Kelly, you are bang on in suggesting more "group collaboration and power" , however that unfolds.

I've been thinking along those lines also and last month created a Classroom 2.0 bookstore. Check it out and see some of the lists I've made collecting books discussed in threads here on Classroom 2.0 (in particular Gifted Learners / Books teachers love).

I'll be making an announcement on the main forum in a week or so but thought I'd run it through this thread. Please let me know your thoughts.

The idea is to use the power of this group to create some content and some $$$. It's a great idea to use our collective knowledge about books, store them for other teachers. Also, Classroom 2.0 gets a commission from each book bought through the store (fully secure Amazon). Use our numbers to help the community and this money can then go to Classroom 2.0's future.

I have a nice bookstore on EFL Classroom 2.0 and get lots of feedback on how it really helps teachers to see what books are out there and what is "teacher recommended". Not just for buying but also browsing and getting an idea as a new teacher -- what is "worthy".

Further, the idea is to create a series of personalized bookstores for teacher's networks. Please see the forum postings on Books4teachers to see how it works. Teachers can either list books there, list on their own network or make lists using LIstmania and send me the Listmania ID to post on the bookstore shelf.

Let me know your thoughts and librarians needed too!

The bookstore idea sounds great, David. Did YOU personally add all of those books and lists, or are other CR2.0 members adding already?




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