I noticed the book recommendation discussion posted by Carolyn Foote so I thought I'd throw out another challenge---I need novels for gifted readers (grades 4-6; reading levels 7-12+) There are several issues:
1. The books have to be recently released or the kids will have already read them
2. The content needs to be appropriate but the themes can be mature
3. They love read aloud books that contain clues, intrigue or historical connections

We've read some wonderful novels in our book studies in the last three years--- this is from my blog:

We started with Eragon by Christopher Paolini. The book isn't great but was written by a 15 year old ( my point was that if a 15 year old could write a best seller, you could too) --kids loved it and the sequel Eldest. It's become a cult favorite and we are awaiting the 3rd installment, Brisngr in September. We went as a group to see the movie when it came out.

We then read Chasing Vermeer and The Wright 3 by Blue Balliett. I love the "daVinci Code" type books for kids---books with clues, intrigue and historical connection. I wrote curriculum for both these books. Kids love Airborn by Kenneth Oppel. It's in the Steampunk genre, according to one of my sons. They also loved the sequel Skybreaker. We did an online book discussion of Airborn, you can find the questions here. Look under the Moodle icon and use baguest as username and password.

Last spring we read The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick which has the historical connection to invention of movies. It is a brilliant book, half of the 580 pages are illustrations but not in a typical format. The illustrations tell the story---like a graphic novel. The problem with this book is that everybody has to have a book---not a good read a loud. I did not write a curriculum for it but easily could have.

I have several others I haven't used yet. Endymoin Spring by Matthew Skelton has the history of books as its back plot. The end is a little weak, but I'm going to use it eventually. I haven't read Valley of Secrets by Charmain Hussey yet--but plan to. It is wrapped up in the rain forest fauna and flora.

My 4th graders read Peter and the Starcatchers last fall. (I thought it was OK, kids loved it) Currently my 4th graders are reading The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Stewart and they love it, too.

Anybody else have any fabulous suggestions? Thanks in advance, N.

Tags: books, elementary, gifted

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I know it isn't new, but my students used to really like The Westing Game. I did it as a read aloud and they would track clues, predictions, and character information. It was definitely a challenge for them.
I have used the Westing Game as well with higher level readers in fourth and fifth grade. They LOVE the books and hunting through the clues. While it's an older book, the characters are well drawn out and many of them hit a solid point of change/development.
Have they tried Philip Reeve's Hungry Cities Chronicles? Not new but definitely worth checking out if they haven't already. Totally new is Death in the Air by Shane Peacock. It's the second in his Sherlock Holmes series. Very well-crafted mystery with SH as a boy. Getting great reviews up here in Canada.
Lemony Snicket A Series of Unfortunate Events
They've read them all and the reading level is too low but thanks for the suggestion--got any more?
They've already read Death in the Air? It only came out in April. I read it from an advanced copy. They are fast readers. Try "The Apprentice's Masterpiece" by Melanie Little into their hands. Came out in Feb from Annick Press. Story of medieval Spain - Spanish Inquisition, clash of religion all told in free verse. Deceptively simple text, layered with meaning and ripe for comparisons with our own modern world. (http://tinyurl.com/38r3mx)
No, they've read all the Lemony Snickets. I'll check Death in the Air, The Apprentice's Masterpiece and Hungry Cities. What's the first book by Peacock? Have you read Airborn and Skybreaker by Kenneth Oppel? He's a Canadian, too.
I have read the Airborne books. They are great. Peacock's first SH novel was The Eye of the Crow. His site is here: http://www.shanepeacock.ca/

Shen and the Treasure Fleet by Ray Conlogue is a fast-paced adventure that Oppel fans will like -

I'd also recommend my own books, but your crew sound up for a bigger challenge.
Thanks for the new titles. There is another series with a Holmes connection--The Enola Holmes Mysteries. There is a little intrigue and a connection but something missing. You should read Endymoin Spring, great concept but so weak parts. One of my favorite read alouds ever was Ender's Game---I think I liked it because it was so shocking to the kids!! :) What have you written?

One of my students is getting ready to move to Toronto--parents looking for thr right schools. Any opinions on good schools for bright kids in Toronto? My student is a 5th grader and has two sisters who are in middle school and high school. Mom did mention to me that there was an IB school there.
Ender's Game is a classic and one of those prophetic books that has come to pass with games like America's Army being used as a recruiting tool for the military. Will check out Endymoin Spring.

I've written a bunch of stuff, graphic novels for middle readers and some stuff for the edu market. My website has a full list: http://liamodonnell.com/ You might have some in your school library.

As for Toronto schools, it all depends on where they're moving to in Toronto. Some fine gifted programs in many of the public schools here.
They haven't bought a house yet, so I don't know where they will be. Thanks again for the recommendations---N
This is not new but there is a book called "She Flew No Flag" by Joan Manley. It is partly autobiographical about a young girl and her family as they sail from India to California during WWII



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