Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hello my name is Michelle, and I teach FLES (Spanish) in Georgia.
I am wiriting my dissertation on how comptuer activities can serve as a Sustained Affective Stimulus for L2 immersion.
I invite you to see my work in progress, share my slideshows, get resources for CALL and other fields, and leave your comment or ideas at: I included the Classroom 2.0 as one of the must-reads for teachers new to the Web, and those of us to take a bit longer to learn.
I hope to meet you all at Lingtech, and through Ning.
In light,
Hall Monitor. Creator of DetentionSlip. Rocking the education world one discipline case at a time.
Hey Chris! Great to see you here. I wish I could take part in the NECC09 Online Learning post-conference this year--I sooo enjoyed meeting you and hearing your keynote panel talk in Atlanta. I'll be in D.C. but involved elsewhere that day. I hope we can run into one another at NECC--I'll be all over the place, mostly with a big "Second Life" tag floating in the air over my head!

Hi everyone.Yogesh Dalsania from Gujarat,India.Happy to be here. I am doing 4 year bachelors program in petroleum engineering. I am also learning french.Looking forward to collaborate on above two topics.



Hi all! Susan Brooks-Young here. I divide my time between the U.S. (Lopez Island, WA) and Canada (Vancouver, B.C). I'm eager to see how this will play out!
Hi Susan, welcome to this wonderful classroom. I live in Australia so my geography of Nth America is rather 'sketchy' but it must be wonderful to work between 2 countries. Since joining this classroom, I have made lots of friends from both the US and Canada, and have found my membership to be invaluable. Look forward to seeing your involvement here.
Hi, I'm Carolyn, and I"m from Austin, Texas--actually a native of Austin.

I"m also part of the Library 2.0 network. I'm interested in how web 2.0 will change education, libraries, etc.

My campus has a vision committee which is studying how to prepare and change our campus to meet the needs of students raised in a web 2.0 environment. I'm excited to be here!
I would love to be a fly on the wall in your campus vision committee. This is just where our school is starting to embark. We have suddenly realized that technology has taken a huge leap and we are getting left in the dust. I would love to be the one that keeps our school up in the forefront the things (little job security). If there is anyway I can "hear" what they are discussing I would love it! Do they have an online place they are "chatting"?
Hi Carolyn, I am from Australia and although the emerging technologies are only just taking off here, our librarians often seem to be at the forefront of it. Scan around the members list and I am sure you will find lots of others with similar interests and that you will fing lots of exciting discussions and forums to be involved in. Welcome!
Would that be UT Austin--or another campus? I'm aware that most of the work discussed at Classroom 2.0 is for K to 12. I am at a graduate campus (University of Maryland at Baltimore) and we just had a conference--Andy Carvin from NPR recommended Classroom 2.0-- on social networking and that's how I ended up here. He was great and there's a copy of his presentation on his blog--it doesn't do ihis talk justice, but it's a start.

If there are many others who are from colleges and universities, perhaps we should have an area of discussion "Universities". I would be interested to know if there is a UT Austing chat going on... I had to leave the conference early so don't know if one was set up but I'll checkwith our librarian. I have good colleagues at the School of SW at UT Austin...

Hi carolyn,
I'm not a librarian but attended an awesome workshop by the ASLA (australian librarians' association) called "leading learning through ICT" would you like me to send you the notes? some of them can be used by teachers anyway, so I found them absolutely useful (and very adaptable!)
Hello everyone. I'm Claudia Ceraso from Argentina. I am a teacher of English, exploring Web 2.0 possibilities for learning.

I found this site via Steve's blog. Looks like a good idea. Hope it grows and grows!



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