Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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This is Nathan Toft. I currently teaching 5/6 in a k-8 school near Ottawa, Canada. Looking forward to learning more about finding ways to use web 2.0 (what an awful name that is) stuff in the classroom.
Hi Nathan,
Welcome to Classroom 2.0. This a great network for learning and sharing great ideas and resources. There are discussions and posts on just about all web2.0 apps that you can explore,

Love your avatar!
Thanks for the welcome. I'll have to come clean: the avatar was created by my son, who was four at the time.

I look forward to jumping in on a few discussions in the near future.
Hi Nathan, welcome as well. I teach information technology to grades 4 through to 10 and have learnt lots of things to put into each of those classes. Join in the discussions and search through the tags as there is a wealth of materials out there.
Hello All! I am from the Gulf Coast of Texas and am currently employeed in a 2-year college as an instructional technologist in the Distance Edcaution department. I am interested in learning about new technologies and how they can be used to enhance learning.
Hi, Dena. Glad to have you here. Thanks for starting your own discussion!
My name is Lisa Wiebenga Stroschine, from Cedar Rapids, IA. I'm the Academic Technologist at Coe College. I'm interested in keeping up with the unique ways other educators are using these new technologies...especially low-threshold, low-cost applications.
Hi, Lisa! Welcome!
Hello, I am Jane Smith (yes that is my real name - I use something much more complicated as a pseudonym). I am a grade 5/6 teacher with the Ottawa Carleton District School board. I am amazed a the discussions that I have already read on this site. I have already found some ideas and articles that are useful to me.
Ooh. That's what we love to hear! Glad you're here.
Hello Jane Welcome to classroom2.0. I have been a member here for 10 mths and I also, still get amazed at some of the discussions that go on. It is a fabulous place to be, learn and share.
I'm Don Dunlap. I teach Business Education, Marketing Education, Entrepreneurship and Economics at the alternative school for Henry County Georgia. I'm doing a dual-enrollment class with the local Tech College, delivering my instruction in a blended (online & face-to-face) format, and developing a tool to automate differentiation of instruction based on learning styles and multiple intelligences as the basis for my contextual study for my Ed.D. So far teaching at my school has been a blast - very rewarding....



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