I think by now most people know my focus is on parents. So bear with me please. I started a discussion a month ago about web 2.0 tools and connecting with parents but I want to build on the recent
issue about closing down a classroom blog in Australia. Numerous comments in the blog post supported the classroom teacher Al Upton for his innovation and leadership, Some comments cried where are the parents?
I believe that most parents are only comfortable with email and some with the use facebook. The piece for training for parents is missing. I'd like your help putting together the missing pieces. Can you share what you are doing now to educate parents in the use of Web 2.0 tools? Your success stories? How do you teach your parents the benefits of using the Internet in the classroom? How did you get them to support you when administrators were discouraging the use of classroom blogs. Monday April 14th at 9:00 PMEDT (GMT-4) at Parents as Partners at edtechtalk.com/live will welcome Steve Hargadon as he shares his insights. I would really like to add you comments to the show.
Your ideas please. Your examples so we can post them during the show.
Tags: 2.0, Hargadon, Steve., as, blogging, classroom, edtechtalk, involvement, parent, parents, More…partners, tools, web
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