I am a 4th grade classroom teacher. I have one of those teachers who thinks technology should be used for creating Excel spreadsheets of student data -- nothing else. Does anybody else deal with a principal like this? We have LCD projectors growing cobwebs. Should I just wait for her retirement?

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Hi Ryan --

Don't get frustrated. Technologically challenged administrators and teachers do still exist. But, I've been working as an Instructional Technologist for four years now and I've seen a shift happening. I think showing by example is the key. Once they see how beneficial technology is to the instructional process (and NOT just to analyze data), my experience has been they get pretty excited about it.
Does your state have state standards set up for technology? If so, you should show her how those can be covered by using different forms fo techhnology. She should understand that technology is just as important today as the old adage when we were in school, "Math is required in every job, when you grow up."

In Ohio, we have Content Standards for Technology. Many of them require direct use of technology (ie desktops, office suite applications, email, digital video, etc)

I teach fourth grade as well, but our sad state of affairs of funding in Ohio has left us with antiquated machines throughout our building. We survive though, learning keyboarding skills, using Open Office applications, and work with a lot of OSS products.
Just do it for the kids.
Start using the LCD projectors, it's she keeping them under lock and key? Do it, but make sure whatever you are doing is standards based, and if she asks why you are going to the lab (really, it's there, why would someone ask that, is she new to the school?) tell her what standard you are addressing FIRST, not what you are doing. Also, any special education kids? Talk about multiple modalities, and that you are fulfilling their IEP.

What state are you in? Admins are REQUIRED to take ed tech classes in California to renew their credential.
As a district level coordinator, I truly believe technology expectations should start at the "top" with your Superintendent and School Board's Goals. Teachers should not only be provided opportunities for relevant training in current technologies, but they must be also be supported in their use of new technology tools for learning and collaboration
BRAVO!!!! I just had an opportunity to give a whopping 15 minute BOE presentation. I was told to "show some technology that our school uses" The board had no clue what was available and started asking our Super when more of this technology would be implemented So, Ryan, I would ask if you could have 15 minutes with YOUR BOE. It was the loudest my message of technology had ever been heard...start at the top indeed! But don't expect over-night change, be persistent...



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