Recently I had a conversation with a fellow teacher who quoted research saying that the students with more technology at their disposal are testing lower than they have in the past, and those students without are testing better than they have historically. Which got me thinking about Albert Einstein, who is supposedly known to have said something along the line as "I do not remember anything that I can look up". Which then got me thinking about our tests, and how students are learning new material.

The good old days of memorization is slowly fading with the introduction of new technologies, the click of a button I have the answer. Yes, I still need to modify and synthesize and make the answer my own, but memorization correct responses is a thing of the past.

So I ask, are we teaching our students a new style of learning, and experiencing knowledge, however assessing that knowledge using our old styles? If so, what can be done to bring them more inline with each other?

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So what would be a more appropriate assessment format? We are teaching our students one version, testing another, and if they go onto higher education again a different version, then the real world hits with again a different one.

I know it is impossible to ask K - to - Life to have one format of assessment forever. Students are all unique and should be given an opportunity to shine. But as per a current discussion technology is being used effectively in some classes, how do we now assess them?
Very well worded for a person who does not play an educator on TV.

To perform the various levels mentioned above, the field of education would have to be dismantled and rebuilt at every level. There are some that would welcome the change and love the new system. For those that are opposed, we need to ask in our ever changing world, "Are we trying to teacher students to be round pegs, while trying to fit them into square holes?"
Actually go to YouTube and have them watch the educational films for the early 1950's. I spliced one into our orientation video the other day, it made quite an impact on the parents and staff on how much education has stayed the same.
Just curious, what country are we talking about?
I assume you are mentioning the ever dreaded standardized tests, both with good and bad points. I will provide an example that I feel reflects the need for these types of tests. Some provinces in Canada students can be excused from their final year exams from the gov't if the teacher instructing them is "accredited". However what happens when an accredited teacher goes off the rails?

In my province we have examples of teachers developing their own hate curriculum and teaching these topics. It was not until many years later, and at a university level that this was noticed.

Standardized tests can provide information to the governing body about these types of events. I realize these are far and few between, however the damage they do to the students and to the profession could last a lifetime.
FYI - no grade 13 in Ontario anymore
Absolutely Not, More perspectives the better.
Unfortunately I have not seen the that typical paper, however I have seen some that shows simply having a TV in the room of a child can lower their overall IQ (regardless if it is plugged in).

However, I am not questioning the use of technology. But when using the technology properly to expand and allow students the opportunity to synthesize their own knowledge and then force standardized tests on them seems counter productive to using technology in the first place.
OK, here's my 2 cents (no you can't have any change)...

First of all, PowerPoint has become that one program that everyone knows by name and to those teachers with limited tech skills is that one thing that they THINK they understand. Sure it has its uses, but as soon as a presenter at a conference, meeting or what have you, opens a PP, I almost immiediatley tune out. I know that the info on his/her slides is going to be more for them than for us(the audience). If you don't know the information well enough to present it effectively without a Power Point, then maybe they shouldn't be presenting it. This is not to say that one shouldn't have visuals etc., but again, who did you make that powerpoint for? You or your audience?

We have to give students the option of what they will create to illustrate their knowledge and for many of them, they will choose some piece of technology. Not tell them to Do PowerPoint or DO Publisher. But if we can teach them to choose the right tool for the task...then we make progress.

Which brings me to the original dilema posted about standarized testing. I can see tech heavy schools not doing as well on tests. If you work constently in one medium, and then change gears to another, of course you will see deficiencies. (Testing done paper and pencil style) Have those students learned less? Of course not. Ideally, you keep the standards of the test but open the way students show their knowledge. Portfolio Based Assesment. Problems are...too much time and effort involved on the part of the teachers and other staff (organizing, grading, etc) and little consistency. Maybe next January 20 we will see start to see some change. (For my Canadian friends, Bush's Last Day!!!) Sorry to get political...
Myself (I cannot speak for the rest of Canada) have watched with some interest regarding your Political Arena. Not wanting to take sides or start a debate on politics, I will say that the process is very interesting to watch.
If we were assessing the right things it wouldn't matter how the students came about knowing them.
To further that statement further(farther) there might be MANY Right ways, not just one way, which is the problem with the current system.



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