Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hi Marie! I believe we've met elsewhere on the web, no? Anyway, I'm also in business education and am really excited about integrating 2.0 tools with the business skills currently being taught. Business ed is such a relevant area for making sure these tools are used correctly and professionally - I look forward to learning from you here!
Hi Kate, nice to bump into you again (Passionate Teachers, your blog, twitter ...). I love all the web 2.0 tools and get excited everytime I add another to my growing list! This is an interesting year for me, returning to teaching after a break from raising a family and so much has changed. I'm in special ed at the moment but back to my old turf second half of this year.
Hi Marie, Great to see you here. This is one of the starting points for my ejourney. Read the discussions, join some of the groups and keep adding in friends. So much of my knowledge has been gleaned here. Some of the tags on the RHS of the screen provide a wealth of resources.
Hi Anne, thank you for your wonderful support on my learning journey! Yes it looks a very exciting place and I know I will learn lots more.
Hi Marie,

It is so great to meet others excited about pushing 2.0 tools in education. These are challenging times but the possibilities are incredible.
Hi Linda,
Nice to mee to meet you. The biggest hurdle I experience is the filter blocks at school. There are so many awesome resources I hope with time others will push for change.
Hi, my name is Lois Cox. My position is Technology Integration Specialist for a small district in La Crescent, Minnesota. In my personal life, I am a grandmother of 3 marvelous grandchildren, 2 in Missouri and 1 in Oklahoma. Gardening is my summer activity. I am working on a masters degree in Educational Technology and at the same time teaching in another one at St. Mary's University in Winona, Minnesota. Glad to be here to share ideas.
Welcome Lois! And how 'bout that, I'm right next door teaching in La Crosse, WI! It's so neat to find people close by here when I'm used to seeing people from all over the world :-) Welcome aboard, I look forward to hearing more from you!
Tis fantastic to see you here. Wouldn't it be exciting for more grandmothers and grandfathers to be part of the digital revolution our students (and personal children) live within. I think technology infused in teaching is a marvelous tool to spark motivation for the teacher and the students.
Hi Lous,

Nice to meet you. You are in a great position to encourage others to use technology. I look forward to hearing your experiences.
My name is Linda. I've been in education for over 30 years and love pushing technology. I'm part of the Ed Tech team, professional development coordinator, for Memphis City Schools and currently a doctoral student at Pepperdine University in the Ed Tech program. I've taught grades 1-6 over the years. I've also worked as an adjunct at Christian Brothers University.
Linda -

Wow, it sounds like you have a lot to teach us! I hope you jump right in and start sharing your knowledge with us - it's nice to meet you.



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