MAY 2009 UPDATE: My fourth graders are going to be studying the states soon and will be doing research on one of them. As part of their research I'd like them to interview someone, hopefully in grades 3-6, about what it's like to live in that state and what they like best about living there. I'm hoping to conduct the interviews via video chat - with Skype or iChat.

If you are interested in helping us out, please visit the project wiki -

If you participated last year and want to help again, please update your info and use red text color. This way, I know who is interested in this year. The wiki still has the participants from last year.


Tags: chat, elementary, project, state, video, videoconferencing

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Here's the wiki address:
This post grabbed my attention because I feel it is important to know about the other states, but enough with the state birds and flowers! I have NEVER taxied into an airport and wondered what the state insect was! Let kids share what is interesting about their state! It will be fun to watch this! I am not in a classroom, but if I can help coordinate or plan my Skype is megormi, twitter megomri, website

I just put your request out on my twitter network. Here is what I wrote. megormi A teacher in Classroom 2.0 is looking for a "new" way to study states!! Looking for classrooms to Skype less than 5 seconds ago from web

I love this idea for using technology tools to model real world learning. It would be fun to Skype with the other classes and record interesting information on a wiki. If people could not Sype, maybe they could add interesting things about the state to the wiki.
Thanks - you could also direct people to:
Our 3rd graders concentrate on our state of South Carolina. They would love to chat with your students with Skype. I am a technology teacher and have 2-5th grades.
Hope we can join your project.

We are isurffer on Skype.

Hi JoNelle,

We'd love to have you on board. if you can, fill in your contact information on the project wiki.

It's for members only, but if you request to join, I'll give you permission and you can then edit your info. I'll contact you in a couple of weeks for scheduling.
Chad, Yesterday's Skype went well. Glad we could put that together. Afterwards I talked with my kids about it and they were pleased to have the opportunity to chat with your student. They certainly liked the technology part of it all, too.
Keep me in mind for any other projects you might want to try.
It was fun. In fact, my student wrote to a tourism board or someone in Alaska and didn't get anything back yet. He asked if maybe he could talk to the kids again some time if he needed more information. I told him I'm sure we could work something out. I'll let you know if we need anything else. When is school out for you? We done June 12th.
I'm a tech coordinator (was 4th grade teacher last year) in San Diego, CA. I should have quite an interested group next year. I'll put up some info on the wiki, but keep me in mind next year as my district will be giving six schools full of teachers ichat capabilities (passwords, etc.) and I'll be training them on the use and possibilities. I'll have to get better myself, but that's another thread. How about state history earlier in the year?
How about a class from Maine? Our tech coordinator has a skype account set up for our school to use. I can get the user id info from him and set something up for you if you like.
Hi Tammy,

We've already interviewed two different schools in Maine, sorry. If we need anything else, however, we'll give you a ring.

Hi, I teach 5th grade and we could love to help you out. Our school is in New Baltimore, Michigan.


Hi, Chad. I'm curious to know how this project worked out.....was it successful? Can you share some of the details or interview questions that your students used? Marvin Lee/Oklahoma City



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