Please introduce yourself, let us know a little bit about you, and where you are from.

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Hi this is Subhash Kandpal from India. I am very happy to be here.
Hello Subhash, welcome to classroom20 and we are very happy that you are here as well. There is a lot to be learned and shared on this site, so please enjoy your membership of this great classroom.
Greetings all! My name is Cindy Phthisic. I'm an instructional technologist from North Carolina.
Hello Cindy and welcome to classroom 20. I am teach information technology in Victoria, Australia. Take a look at the current discussions, join some groups and make some friends and you will be able to share and learn from being a member here.
My name is Fiona and I teach at a Brisbane school on the Bayside. I have a 6/7 laptop class this year and am always looking for ways to integrate technology in my classroom
Hello Fiona, I teach in Victoria, Australia, so it is good to see you as a member here. There are quite a few Aussies, but best of all there are people from so many different countries to share with here. Enjoy your participation in this great classroom.
Hello Lisa. I'm always interested in hearing how others are using Web 2.0 in science education. I'm currently using LateNite Labs for vitual experiments in my online lab course.

Hello all,

My name is Scott. I am a mid-life career changer. I am 42 and attending college pursuing a degree in Elementary Education. I plan to be teaching kindergarten or first grade in a few years.
Welcome Scott. It is good to see you here and I am sure you will enjoy using a lot of the resources that can be found here. Watch the discussions, join some groups and make friends
HI Scott

Welcome to Classroom 2.0 I did the career switch too about ten years ago. I found it was hard, but well worth it....even with a pay cut. If you were in the corporate world, you may find that things tend to move at a slightly different pace in education. Classroom 2.0 is a great place to find others who are ready to help pick up the pace a little bit.

Glad to have you here.
Hi all. I am a social studies teacher in a rural school of Dorchester, NE. I enjoy using technology in my room as much as possible. I have found some valuable resources with videos.
Hi David. Good to see you here. I am sure you will find lots more valuable resources in this classroom. Check out some of the discussions. Some of the groups may interest you as well.



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